WWII Totalitarian Governments
A form of government in which: One political party, group, or leader exercises absolute authority & centralized control over ALL aspects of public & private life Individual rights are subordinate to the state Opposing political views are not tolerated & often suppressed Definition of Totalitarianism
A leader with total power over a country. Definition of Dictator
totalitarian gov’ts After WWI, totalitarian gov’ts rose due to: economies Bad economies due to the world-wide depression frustratedleadership People frustrated with poor leadership Rise of Totalitarianism
Leader’s Name & Country Benito Mussolini Dictator of Italy
Type of Government (Mussolini) Facsism
1) Benito Mussolini Italy 1) Benito Mussolini became the fascist dictator of Italy 2) Fascism 2) Fascism preaches an extreme form of patriotism and nationalism. 3) Needs of Italy were more important than those of individual Italians Explanation of Type of Gov’t
Nickname (Mussolini) Il Duce “the leader” in Italian
Mussolini Video emerging-dictator
Leader’s Name & Country Adolf Hitler Dictator of Germany
Type of Government (Hitler) Nazism Form of Facsism
1) Like Italy’s fascism, except Hitler preached German superiority. 2) Nazis were racist, claiming Germans were the “supreme Aryan race.” 3) Jews were especially despised and hated. Explanation of Type of Gov’t
Nickname (Hitler) Der Führer “the leader” in German
Hitler Video (2:42)
Leader’s Name & Country Josef Stalin Dictator of Soviet Union USSR
Type of Government (Stalin) Communism
1) With communism, the gov’t controlled every aspect of life in the nation. 2) Stalin crushed any opposition to the gov’t. Explanation of Type of Gov’t
Nickname (Stalin) Stalin “Man of Steel” in Russian Uncle Joe (by western media)
Stalin Video (2:36)
Leader’s Name & Country Hideki Tojo Dictator of Japan
Type of Government (Tojo) Militarism
1) Japan’s Emperor Hirohito only held symbolic power. He was a figure head. 2) A military clique led by Prime Minister Tojo ruled Japan. military Japanese people. 3) Used the military to gain power of the Japanese people. Explanation of Type of Gov’t
Nickname (Tojo) Kamisori “Razor” in Japanese
Tojo Video (1:57)