WRITERS AND POETS Jessica White Tayla Thorburn Lauryn Skeels
WHAT IS THE AIM OF THIS MOVEMENT? The Aim of the Writers and Poets movement was to create propaganda that illustrated Hitler as a bad person and a bad leader. There were four topics that authors and poets usually chose to write about; 1.Front Experience; To promote the ‘good times’ that would be found in time of war on the front line 2.World View promote the views of Hitler and Rosenberg. One of the most famous Nazi slogans ‘The Germans: The cleanest, most honest people, most efficient and most industrious’ 3.Regional Novels; Emphasised the excellence of the various regions of Germany. 4.Racial Doctrine; Emphasised the greatness of the Aryan race when compared to Jews, Slavs and anyone labelled ‘untermenschen’ (a person considered racially and socially inferior.)
WHAT IS IT SAYING ABOUT THE TIME PERIOD? Writers and Poets were highly successful in persuading ones opinion. Poems and Writing was especially popular after World War One when Authors wrote about the hardships of war, after experiencing it for themselves. For the first time people could experience ones pain from their own point of view.
WHO WERE SOME OF THE KEY PEOPLE? Andre Breton (18 th February 1896 – 1966) Andre Breton was born on the 18 th of February 1896, in France. After serving for the military in World War I, he moved to Paris and joined the cities artistic movement. It was in the early 1920s that he became one of the founders of the Surrealist movement. He is known best for writing a Surrealist manifesto that encouraged “free expression and the release of the subconscious mind”. Brenton also wrote a novel entitled “Nadja” and many poems before his death in 1966, aged 70.
WHO WERE SOME OF THE KEY PEOPLE? George Orwell ( ) George Orwell, born Eric Arthur Blair, was born in India1903. He was a novelist and critic who was best known for his novel “Animal Farm”, which was written in Orwell was a man known for his strong opinions, and he addressed some of the major political movements of his times, mainly that of fascism and communism. Orwell died in 1950, aged only 47.
EXAMPLES OF THE WORK ANIMAL FARM (1945) Animal Farm is a story written by Orwell in The story takes place on a farm, where the animals have decided to overthrow the abusive farmers. The animals succeed in overthrowing the farmers, through forming a government called “Animalism”. But eventually Animalism fails when the farm pigs rise up and take over where the farmers had left off. Animalism represents communism; stating that all animals can live equally with no class distinctions. The original cover for Animal Farm.
EXAMPLES OF THIS WORK Andre Brenton’s Surrealist manifesto that encouraged “free expression and the release of the subconscious mind”. Poisson Soluble or “Solving Fish”
HOW IS THE WORK RELATED TO THE HISTORICAL TIME PERIOD Animal Farm relates back to this time period as it represents events during and after the Russian revolution of The book discusses the pros and cons of communism, when World War One had officially ended communism was very popular in Russia.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Biography.com, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2015]. Biography.com, (2015). [online] Available at: life [Accessed 22 Apr. 2015]. Sparknotes.com, (2015). SparkNotes: Animal Farm: Themes, Motifs & Symbols. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2015]. Sparknotes.com, (2015). SparkNotes: Animal Farm: Plot Overview. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2015]. Literature Network Forums, (2009). How is animal farm related to WWII?. [online] Available at: literature.com/forums/showthread.php?49376-How-is-animal-farm-related-to-WWII [Accessed 3 May 2015].