Elements of Art
Line Line is the path of a moving point. Lines define the edges of shapes and forms. It is 1-dimensional and can vary in width, direction, and length.
Shape Shape is an area enclosed by line. It is 2-dimensional and can be Geometric or Organic.
Types of Shapes: Organic Shapes: Shapes that are found in nature. Examples: leaves, rocks, clouds, etc. Geometric Shapes: Shapes that are mathematical. Examples: squares, triangles, circles, etc.
Form Forms are 3-dimensional. They occupy space or give the illusion that they occupy space.
Space The area around, above, between, inside or below objects. Can also refer to a feeling of depth or three-dimensions. Background: the objects that are furthest away from the viewer, usually at the top of the picture plane. Foreground: The objects that are closest to the viewer, usually at the bottom of the page and the focal point of the image. Middle ground: The section between the foreground and background.
Color Color is seen by the way light reflects off a surface. A color wheel shows relationships between colors. Primary Colors: The colors mixed to make all other colors. Secondary Colors: Colors made by mixing two primary colors.
HUE Hue is another name for COLOR.
Value Value is the lightness or darkness of a surface. It is often referred to when shading, but value is also important in the study of color. Tint- Color plus white Shade- Color plus black Tone- Color plus gray Shading: A gradual change from light to dark.
Texture Texture is the actual surface feel or the simulated appearance of roughness or smoothness. Implied Texture: The way something looks like it feels. Actual Texture: The way something actually feels (rough, smooth, sharp, etc.)
Line- Line is the path of a moving point Line- Line is the path of a moving point. Lines define the edges of shapes and forms. Shape- Shape is an area enclosed by line. It is 2-dimensional and can be geometric or organic. Form- Forms are 3-dimensional. They occupy space or give the illusion that they occupy space. Space- the illusion of objects having depth on the 2-dimensional surface. Linear and atmospheric/aerial perspective is used. Color- color is seen by the way light reflects off a surface. Value- the lightness or darkness of a surface. It is often referred to when shading, but value is also important in the study of color. Texture is the actual surface feel of the simulated appearance of roughness, smoothness, and others.