Color in Web Design
Overview: Color Topics Myths & Misconceptions Hexadecimal Notation Color Concepts and Issues
Myths & Misconceptions Color works just like your paint set You can use all 16,777,216 colors You should use only the 218 safe colors Black and White is best More is better Choice is solely a matter of personal taste Color-blind people cannot see some colors
Hexadecimal Notation Base a b c d e f #ff0000 is red #00ff00 is green #0000ff is blue #f00 is the same as #ff0000 #0f0 is the same as #00ff00 #00f is the same as #0000ff 4096 available colors
Color Concepts and Issues Primary colors: Red Green Blue #f00 #0f0 #00f Secondary colors: Yellow Cyan Magenta #ff0 #0ff #f0f Red vs Cyan Green vs Magenta Blue vs Yellow Green brighter than Red brighter than Blue
Color Concepts and Issues B = (299 * R * G * B 3 )/(255 3 * 100) #fff has a brightness of #fc3 has a brightness of #000 has a brightness of For best readability, choose colors with fairly high contrast For best readability, use dark letters on a light background Avoid red/green and blue/yellow combinations which have similar brightness values