SPECIAL NOTE The customer on arrival at the post office is supposed to approach the counter for payment after that, he goes to writing duty for allocation of a box number but since we are still running the manual processes concurrently with the online, we advice that we should adhere to old formula. 1. the customer will approach the writing duty or DM, they will look at the slip, add up the post code fee, allocate a number to the customer physically, the customer can then go the counter and pay. 2. after payment, the customer goes back to writing duty or Box Office with a copy of PSR for documentation on the box register. 3. After documenting the information on the box register, must also allocate the box number to the customer online and the Box ledger online will be automatically updated. SPECIAL FEATURE 1. The box register has been rename to enable the user department get used to the online application. The name of the ledger is advised to be called PLB LEDGER, while the online version of the ledger been new innovation be referred to as PLB NEW. 2. Before a customer can ever get to apply for a box online in a post office, there must be available boxes or PMB in that post office, and for Boxes to be available they must be created first. 3. to create a box we must understand what box ranges are, because will can only create boxes according to box ranges. 4. All references to post office box online is attended to through the module POST LETTER BOX. This simply means that, everything on post office box should be treated with the module POST LETTER BOX.
BOX RANGES Box Range is a definition of numbers from the smallest to the largest serially, this simply put is arranging of cluster boxes according to numbers in ascending order. Scenario 1 – City A, Has three (3) post office within its environment, namely Post office1, post office 2 and post office 3, 1400 cluster boxes where brought into the City A, and were shared between post office 1,2 and 3 serially. office 1 got 900 serially, office 2 got 300 and office 3 got 200 boxes all serially The box range for this offices are : post office, ; post office 2, while post office 3 will be Scenario 2 : City A became so much in need of more cluster boxes because of boom in business of box, 1000 cluster boxes were brought in to city A for the 3 post office. Serially numbered, the sharing started from post office 3 with 450 boxes serially, post office 1 got 380 and post office 2 got 170 The new box range will be as follows: post office 1 : 1 – 900 and post office 2 : 901 – 1200 and post office 3: and Total Installed Capacity : This is the total number of boxes installed in the post office under review. To get total installed capacity, use the following formula highest number minus lowest number plus one (highest number – lowest number + 1) Installed capacity for post office 1: 900 – = = 380: TOTAL INSTALLED = = 1280 POST OFFICE = 300, 1850 – 1401 =450, total installed = = 750 POST OFFICE 3 – 1400 – = 200,; = 170 Total Installed = = 370 if you add all together ; = you will get the total number of boxes installed in CITY A. I hope you got what I am saying. If you are still not clear please don’t hesitate to call me on
Now that you are familiar with box ranges and installed capacity, lets create boxes first, because without it, the customer will not be able to register for a box online and your writing duty will also be able to update the old records. Online 1. Go to NIPOST Website ( 2. This time click on counter automation in the online tool, I know you are already familiar with thiswww.nipost.gov.ng
You are here because you clicked on counter automation, by now you should have a username and password. 1. where you have username, type the username tat was given to you 2. type in your secret password where you see password. (note: do not reveal your password to anyone 3. after typing username and password, click on Login
Now you have logged in, I told y earlier that Post letter box is the module you used for post office box. Lets place our cursor on it order to get the menus. I also told you earlier that the box ledger is rename as PLB and the online version is name PLB New. This means that anytime you are clicking on PLB New online, you are actually opening the ledger book. 1. to create box numbers on our ledger (PLB New) We need to click on PLB New, Remember that this same number was already created in our physical ledger rename PLB
This is the page that you will see when you click on PLB New for the first time, the reason you see an inscription, no records found is simply because no boxes have been created or box 1 – 100 does not exist on that ledger. Lets create boxes first. 1. see the direction of the arrow, there are two boxes at the bottom written (range from and range to) 2.. Put the lowest number in the column “range from” and the highest number of your box range in the” Range to” 3. Select Box Type: Private and Business boxes are on one ledger, that is the reason they are in one word. But for you to create PMB Ledger, select PMB from your box type (see arrow)
I am about to create box , I put 1 in the box range from and 10 in the box range to 1. click on create now. ( you must use your post office actual box range, please contact your DM and APM before you go on this mission.) I also want to advise that you do that bit by bit, lets say 2000 boxes first, then when they are almost done with updating of the 2000, you can create more. You will now the reason you create it that way when we get to he next class. CREATE
When you click on create as you have done in the previous page, you will get a confirmation box, click on YES
You have succeeded in creating boxes for your post office. Click ok on the message box. Welcome to post office box online
This are the boxes we just created. 1. (arrow 1 and 2, the boxes represent a search parameter, this means that in a ledger of thousands of boxes you decide to create a working range by putting the lowest number in arrow 1 and highest number you wish to see in arrow 2. for instance to work in a ledger that has box whereas I desire to work with to 11510, just type in box arrow 1 and in box arrow 2 and click on search. You can also use same number 2. Arrow 3, search table content, this is used to sort out a specific number among the numbers that is displayed on the dash board, if I want from the range – that is already display, I then type the in arrow 3 box and only will be displayed for my view.you can also use arrow 1 and two to open a specific number on your ledger. If I want to open the page for box 650, I type 650 in arrow 1 and same 650 in arrow 2, then search
Lets try to search the Ledger from box 1 to 5 this is what you get lets search for box 5 within this 1 – 5 that is open (see next page)
This is where you use the second search bar. Searching for a number within a set of numbers that are open
This is the end of the procedure for creating post office box in the New PLB Application Now that you have known how to create a post office box and PMB, follow the method and create your own in order to stay online. Remember the tutorial on Box Range while creating. Lets attend to our customer who is now at the counter