The Radiomarathon constitutes a great example of voluntary commitment from people of all ages, residing in Cyprus and in any other place with Greek communities, towards those children who are facing life with a fighting spirit, determination and passion.
The Radiomarathon sensitizes and informs the public on the issues regarding the children with special needs, thereby facilitating the change of mentality towards this problem and the reintegration of these persons in the society at large.
On Sunday 23 rd of October the Comenius team assembled at Paralimni to help with the bazaar The students were given t- shirts and they instantly begun helping with the preparations.
We arrived at 8:00 am on Sunday morning and even though Monday was a school day, the students remained at their posts well after 8:00 pm.
On Tuesday 6/12/11 the school organized a flower bazaar in order to collect money for the underprivileged students of our school.
Students from the Comenius team took charge of organizing the stalls and selling the flowers. They remained at their posts during recess in order to facilitate the event.
On Thursday 8/12/11 the school organized a Food Bazaar. The aim was again to collect money for the less fortunate students of our school
Sampling some of the sweets… … before actually selling them
As part of their Biology Class the students created and maintained a small botanical garden in the school premises. Overreacting
These were some of the volunteering activities that took place in our school. We, the teachers and students, are proud to be part of a school with a long standing tradition in volunteerism, where not only the Comenius students but the whole school community engage in such life-changing experiences.