2 right employeerightjob The WorkKeys system is used as a tool to select, hire, train, develop, and retain the high-performance workforce necessary to compete successfully in today’s global economy. Precisely match the right employee with the right job. WorkKeys ® The WorkKeys ® Job Skills Assessment System
CAREER SEEKERS AND STUDENTS CAREER SEEKERS AND STUDENTS create career pathways by defining their interests, measuring and improving workplace skills, and earning portable workplace credentials that provide employers with verifiable evidence of fitness for specific jobs. EMPLOYERS EMPLOYERS screen applicants effectively and hire the best employees for jobs at all levels, resulting in reduced turnover, increased ROI, and better decisions about training and advancement. EDUCATORS AND CAREER COACHES EDUCATORS AND CAREER COACHES ensure students’ success by giving them guidance on finding the right career pathway and helping them develop the skills they need to achieve their goals. INDUSTRY LEADERS INDUSTRY LEADERS build a qualified workforce by adopting workplace credentials, based on industry competency models, as the foundation of their skills certification systems. WORKFORCE LEADERS WORKFORCE LEADERS strengthen America’s competitiveness in the global economy and close the skills gap by supplying employers with workers who possess the necessary skills to meet demand. ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS inform businesses’ decisions about where to locate or expand, by demonstrating the skill level of regional labor sheds. National Career Readiness Certificate Benefits
Problem solving Critical thinking Reading and using work-related text Applying information from workplace documents to solve problems Applying mathematical reasoning to work-related problems Setting up and performing work-related mathematical calculations Locating, synthesizing, and applying information that is presented graphically Comparing, summarizing, and analyzing information presented in multiple, related graphics NCRCcredential The NCRC is a credential that is used across all sectors of the economy and certifies the following skills: National Career Readiness Certificate Certify Your Workforce
6 WorkKeys System The WorkKeys System is centered around three major components. Job Analysis 1. Job Analysis Assessments 2. Assessments Training 3. Training
7 18, million tests administered WorkKeys is not just another workplace assessment. A key element of the WorkKeys System is job profiling – identifying a specific skill level for a specific job. ACT has one of the largest, most robust occupational profiles database, with more than 18,000 job profiles and 10 million tests administered. Job Analysis Job Analysis – The WorkKeys Difference
8 analyze The WorkKeys job analysis and profiling component offers a concrete way for organizations to analyze the skills needed for specific jobs.
9 Job Analysis Job Analysis – The WorkKeys Difference Focus Group Focus Group format promotes discussion between the employees and an ACT-authorized job profiler Task List Task List describes activities of the job with tasks tailored by the employees Job Profile Report Job Profile Report documents tasks of the job, skill levels required for the job, and the qualitative reasoning behind the skill levels Results Results used to support hiring, promotion, and training decisions
10 WorkKeys Assessments WorkKeys Assessments – Measuring Skills “real world” WorkKeys assessments measure “real world” workplace skills critical to job success. These skills are valuable for any occupation—skilled or professional—at any level of education, and in any industry. Measures: Cognitive Skills Soft Skills
11 Communication Skills Business Writing Listening Reading for Information Writing Problem Solving Skills Applied Mathematics Applied Technology Locating Information Workplace Observation Interpersonal Skills Teamwork Soft Skills Performance Talent Fit WorkKeys Assessments WorkKeys Assessments – Measuring Skills
12 Training Training – Closing the Skill Gap identify skill gaps training The WorkKeys System offers a common language to identify skill gaps and provide training to improve scores.
13 required possessed WorkKeys job skill comparison charts compare the skill levels required by jobs in ACT's job profile database and the skill levels possessed by individuals who have taken the WorkKeys assessments. Research & Analytics Research & Analytics – Job Skill Comparison Charts
16 Job Skill Comparison Chart
17 Job Skill Comparison Chart
18 Job Skill Comparison Chart