OSU-05 TA 101 The Structure of Ethynylferrocene using Microwave Spectroscopy. Ranga Subramanian, Chandana Karunatilaka, Kristen Keck and Stephen Kukolich Department of Chemistry University of Arizona, Tucson 85721
OSU-05 TA 102 Ethynylferrocene C 12 H 10 Fe ETHFE Singly-Substituted Ferrocene (#6) Asymmetric top.I a ≠ I b ≠ I c Has a & b dipole mom. PROPERTIES Three Fe isotopes. 56 Fe(~92%), 54 Fe(~5.8%), 57 Fe(~2.1%) C s symmety - a-b mirror plane
OSU-05 TA Previous work Spectroscopic studies [ 57 Fe-NMR / 13 C-NMR]. No previous gas-phase structural data ! Motivation: Important precursor for Polymeric ferrocenyl compounds. Organic conductors / Opto-electronics X-ray diffraction studies. Electrochemical studies.
OSU-05 TA 104 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS - ETHFE used without further purification. - Heated both ETHFE & DETHFE 60 0 C - Spectra of 56 Fe, 54 Fe, 57 Fe, 13 C & DETHFE 56 Fe 4 – 12 GHz range. - DETHFE Modified synthesis of ferrocenyl propyne (using D 2 O) -The ETFE was treated with 1.6M n-butyllithium (Li n Bu) in hexane, (Li replaced the acidic H on acetylene) and then with D 2 O, (D replaced H) and the product sublimed G.Doisneau, G. Balavoine, T. Fillebeen-Khan; J.Organomet.Chem, 425, 113, 1992.
OSU-05 TA 105 MEASURED LINES- No. of transitions IsotopomerDipole 39ETH 56 Fea & b 11ETH 54 Fea & b 5 eachETH 57 Fe & C’s a 24DETH 56 Fea & b
OSU-05 TA 106 Fourier Transformed spectrum of the 4 13 3 12 transition for ETHFE. Frequencies in kHz relative to kHz. - The spectrum is an average of five shots. J’ = 4 13 J = 3 12
OSU-05 TA 107 RESULTS FROM FITTING THE TRANSITION FREQUENCIES - Spectral fits using SPFIT ¥ least-squares fitting program with a standard rigid-rotor Hamiltonian C / 1 H / 56 Fe Used 5 adjustable parameters [ A, B, C, J, K ]. ¥ H.M.Pickett, J.Mol.Spec: 1991, 148, DETHFE 4 adjustable parameters [ A, B, C, J] Fe / 57 Fe / 13 C 3 adjustable parameters [A, B, C ].
OSU-05 TA 108 Spectral parameters obtained for the different isotopomers of ETHFE and DETHFE. (in MHz) a Fixed
OSU-05 TA 109 Structure Determination (least squares fit) - Altogether 24 rotational constants Four parameters. P(1) = r(Fe-Cp) P(2) = r(C-C) of Cp ring P(3) = angle(Ethynyl group & Cp plane) i.e. (tilt – angle) P(4) = r(C-H) of Ethynyl group. r(C-H) of Cp / r(C1-C1’) & r(C1’-C2’) Fixed at DFT values. - Fit deviation 0.02 MHz. - Initial geometry From DFT (B3PW91) calculations.
OSU-05 TA 1010 Structural Fit results - C 1 & C 6 are eclipsed Consistent with DFT -Ethynyl group pointing away from the plane of Cp ring & away from the Fe atom. - “Tilt angle – 2.74(1)°” - r(Fe-Cp) = 1.647(4) Å - r(C 2 ’-H et ) = 1.053(2) Å - r(C 1 -H et ) = 3.691(2) Å
OSU-05 TA 0911 Structural parameters obtained for the ETHFE complex.
OSU-05 TA 1012 Comparison of structural parameters ParameterX-rayDFTThis workFree acetylene r (C 2 ’ – H et ) / Å (1)1.058 ParameterX-rayKraitchmanStructure Fit Avg: r (Fe-C) / Å (6)2.049(5) r (Fe-H et ) / Å (8)5.16(2)
OSU-05 TA Comparing 3 singly-substituted ferrocenes - - Two Cp rings are eclipsed Consistent with DFT. ( E staggered – E Eclipsed ) = 3 kJ / mol (ETHFE) MoleculeTilt angle / deg: Chloroferrocene 2.7(6) Dimethyl- ferrocene 2.66(2) ETHFE (X-ray) 1.7 ETHFE (This work) 2.74(1) “Drooping away from Fe”
OSU-05 TA 1014 The Structural parameters of different ferrocene compounds of the type, (C5H4-X)Fe(C5H4-Y). Relationship between r(Fe-Cp) to the Inductive Hammett Parameter ( I ) NameXYr (C-C) / År (Fe –Cp) / Å I Chloroferrocene я ClH1.433(2)1.610(5)0.47 Bromoferrocene я BrH1.433(1)1.630(2)0.44 Methylferrocene я CH 3 H1.4289(2)1.6528(3)-0.04 Dimethylferrocene я CH (5)1.670(2)-0.08 ETHFE * CΞCHH1.4315(6)1.6464(1)0.21 Ferrocene † HH1.440(2)1.661(2)0.00 Я Kukolich et. Al. * Present work, † A.Haaland and J.E.Nilsson; Acta. Chem. Scan. 23, 2653, Electron Diffraction studies
Linear correlation between the gas-phase structural parameter r(Fe-Cp) and the Inductive Hammett parameter I. I r(Fe-Cp) / Å Gas-phase r (Fe-Cp) of Ferrocene. = Å Electron Diffraction value for Å Ferrocene 1.661(2) Å
OSU-05 TA 1016 Acknowledgements We thank Prof. Robin Polt, University of Arizona, for useful suggestions during the synthesis of the deuterated Ethynylferrocene. N$F - This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CHE This support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona.