Due October 15 Trimester 1 Week 7 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments
Chapter 2 Math Real Life! You can earn or lose tickets in Ms. Syfert’s class. You earn 5 tickets for every week you get 100% attendance. You lose 5 if you do NO work one week. If you did 100% for 3 weeks and NO work 1 week…how many tickets would you have? Equation: You do no work=-5 5 tickets for 3 weeks=15 tickets =? What if you have 5 and lose 10? 5 +(-10)=
Math Notes PPT 2.1
Math Objectives For This Week: -Understand how to add fractions -Understand how to subtract fractions -Order fractions on a number line -Understand how to multiply fractions -Understand how to divide fractions
6 th Grade Independent Study T1 Week 10 Due: November 5 Total Work Completed=_______% P.E. Math Next Field Trip…Nov. 24 th Hike Grade______ TW________ ____Ch. 4 Lesson 2-Do Questions Pg. 178 (Even only) ____Ch. 4 Lesson 3-Do Questions Pg. 182 (Even only) ____Ch. 4 Lesson 4-Do Questions Pg. 190 (Even only ____Ch. 4 Lesson 5-Do Questions Pg. 194 (Even only) ____Do online lesson 3.4/3.5/3.6 at Parent Signature_____________ Be ready for quiz Pg. 154 (TEST GRADE!) Grade__________ TW____________
Math Benchmark 1 and Social Studies Benchmark 1 Good Luck!
Housekeeping Field Trip! Grade Work Assignment Sheet PE Stamped work Math Science Social Studies Languages Arts
Jack London….. SummarySetting Comparison 3 Part Summary Your book King of Mazy May
Spelling and Grammar Pg. 80 Compound Nouns Sidewalk Synonyms Savoring….relishing Immense…?
Daily Language Practice 1 sentence and 1 paragraph per week Fix sentences…. Fix Paragraph COPS 1.Capitalize Proper Nouns 2. Beginning of Sentences
Pronoun/Antecedent Review!! Careful on test!
Bring 3 Ring Binder next week! Writing Portfolio Insertable cover
Language Arts Main Objectives This Week: -Know how sensory words create imagery in poems -What sound devices can be used in poems -Be able to use imagery and sound devices in poems -Understand how to use semi-colons and colons -Understand how to add the suffix –ly to an adjective to make it an adverb -Understand how to use the ie..ei spellings (weigh, etc.)
Language Arts-T1 Week 10 ASSIGNMENTS: ______Read at least 1 Chapter of Jack London book and write a summary (Finish by Nov. 12) ______Read Poems Pgs ______Hike poem planner ______Selection Support Pgs. 196 ______Daily Language Practice Week 3 ______Hike Poem #1 ______Integrated Language Pg. 732 Come to take Benchmark at RAC at 11 or 1 Grade_______ TW_________
Prehistoric Man in the News! Who is Ardi?
Agricultural Revolution Agriculture Agriculture Planting seeds to raise crops Planting seeds to raise crops New tools New tools Slash and Burn Farming Slash and Burn Farming Irrigation Irrigation Domestication of Animals Raising animals for food Cows…milk and meat Sheep…milk and meat
Mesopotamia Sumer
Creation of villages CauseEffects?? Agricultural Revolution Cause/Effect Map Villages
Sumerian Project Assessment (Powerpoint) Due Oct. 22 Answer Where was it located? Why? What was the “fertile crescent?” What farming techniques did they use? What type of specialized labor did this village have? And…what led to this? (surplus?) What were Sumerian social classes made up of? What did they believe in? (religion) What is a Ziggurat? How did they write? Why?
Objectives for this week. -Understand what life was like in the fertile crescent -Understand how Hammurabi’s Code effects our society and laws today
History Assignments: _____Read Ch. 4 Lesson 1. Take Notes using Cornell Notes. _____Review Question Pg. 116 _____Read Ch. 4 Lesson 2. Take notes. _____Review Questions Pg. 123 Grade_____ TW______
Computer Social Studies Project
Science Main Objectives This Week: -Review for Benchmark -Understand heat transfer
11:30-12 Testing/Conference Time TestsConference Continents Quiz Social Studies Test Math Packet ready to hand in Math Guided Practice Jonathan and Cole… Cornell Notes