Sequencing Monica Collins Verity Pearce Daviana Pitts Lindsay Sexton
Sequencing To introduce sequence, have students tell about a simple sequential favorite activity they engage in, such as playing a game or working on a puzzle. Discuss the order of the activity and place on a chalkboard using cue words, such as first, second, then, before, last, and after. Encourage students to use their sense of situation to put the events in order.
Sequencing For historical information or biographies, show students how to use dates to keep them in order. Show books with timelines or chronologies to students in order to help them keep track of key events. Show students how a graphic organizer can display a chain of events.
Sequencing During guided practice, read a book as a class, write down main events in the order they occur on the chalkboard to model the strategy. During independent practice, provide students with pieces of paper and pencils to use as they read to write page numbers and a few words to remind them of important events in the story.
Sequencing To assess the students, observe to see if they are writing down main points in order as they read through the text. During reteaching, discuss the order of the activity and place on a chalkboard using cue words, such as first, second, then, before, last, and after.
Sequencing Practice sequencing in different ways and with a variety of texts. Make games of sequencing practice by photocopying a short story, mixing the pages up, and asking students to reassemble them in the correct order. After about a month of practice with sequencing, take it to the next by adding it to another reading comprehension strategy like rewriting.
References Pearson Custom Education: Developing literacy: LITR New York: Pearson Learning Solutions, p TeacherVision: Sequencing: From the publisher: Author’s comments. (2012). Retrieved from: builder/reading- comprehension/48779.html#ixzz1mwDoLYho