European Forum for Urban Safety
A Non-Governmental Organisation founded in 1987 by Mayors from various European countries Today, a growing network of 300 local authorities Based in Paris; 2 representation offices in Brussels and Budapest EFUS : who we are
300 local authorities Executive Committee : 21 Local Authorities Technical staff President : Juan Alberto BELLOCH JULBE, Mayor of Saragossa Vice-President and Treasurer: Richard OLSZEWSKI, City of Roubaix Vice Presidents: Bela DANIELISZ, City of Budapest (HU), Carlos TEIXEIRA, City of Loures (PT), Franco CORRADINI, City of Reggio Emilia (IT) Governance
EFUS 300 local authorities National forums French Forum 125 cities Presided by Saint-Herblain Italian Forum 77 cities Presided by Modena Belgian Forum 12 cities Presided by Molenbeek- Saint-Jean Spanish Forum 40 cities Presided by Seville Portuguese Forum 12 cities Presided by Matosinhos Luxemburguese Forum 118 cities Presided by Dudelange
Beyond the European Union Vice President of the International Center for the Prevention of Crime, created in 1992 and based in Montréal Support to the creation of Forums in Africa and South America United Nations: Collaboration with offices in Vienna (Drugs and Crime) and Nairobi (Habitat)
EFUS’ Goals 1. Security as a common good Promoting an integrated vision of security, and a balanced approach respecting human rights 2. Key role of the local level Promoting the perspective of cities vis-à-vis national, European and international bodies 3. Cities Helping Cities Strengthening local crime prevention policies, through the exchange of practices and expertise
Security as a common good (1) Build and advocate an integrated vision of safety, and balanced approach respecting human rights Facilitate work between practitioners, local representatives, judges, policemen, social workers, universities… Address a wide range of issues relative to safety at a local level – including civil liberties and privacy
Security as a common good (2) Prevention-focused, integrated, long term approaches are more efficient, more cost effective but more complicated to implement and to explain to the public. Disconnect between practitioners and policy makers To try to bridge that gap, EFUS involves the two levels jointly in its activities
Key role of the local level (1) Promote the perspective of cities vis-à-vis national, European and international bodies Increasing recognition that the local level represented by cities, provinces, regions is essential for the definition and implementation of urban safety policies. But local preoccupations and priorities are not always heard at the national level, let alone the European level
The Forum represents the political but non partisan platform for a dialogue between local authorities and European institutions. The Forum has a consultative status with : –European Commission, Member of Expert groups « Trafficking in Human Beings », « Policy need for data on Crime and Criminal Justice » –URBACT programme, –European Crime Prevention Network –Council of Europe… Key role of the local level (2)
Cities Helping Cities To exchange practices and expertise : European programmes, training sessions, policy seminars, conferences for political and technical staff. « Security, Democracy and Cities » international conference of Saragossa, 2006 more than 800 participants from 220 cities in 40 countries. Over 400 good practices available 30 publications on various topics in different languages, A multi-lingual website
Main themes Role of local elected officials Schools Technologies Terrorism Trafficking in Human beings Training Women Youth … Safety audits Drugs Fear of crime Large events Mediation Migrants, Minorities Police Prison Public spaces
Current EFUS programmes « GOAL : Gathering Of All Local stakeholders » « Safer Drinking Scenes » « DC&D II : Democracy, Cities and Drugs II » « Innovative strategies for the prevention of re- offending » « CCTV : Cities, CiTizens and Video surveillance »
« Cities Citizens and Video surveillance » project
Thank you for your attention ! Contact : Mark BURTON-PAGE