By: Sean Giles
CDU was made in 1966 I medicinal school like if you wont to be a nacre or a doctor. believe it or not it was fire called Drew university of medicine and science but now it’s called canals drew university of medicine and science.
If you would go to this historically black colleges you will try to be a doctor or a nonce.
DR.M.ROY Wilson is the chairman of the board of trustees at Charles R. Drew University of medicine and science.
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About one-third of los Angeles country’s minority doctors was trained at Charles Drew University, and graduate from the college of medicine have been more likely by a wide margin.
The 11-acre campus includes a day care facility, elementary school, high-school, biomedical library, central administration, educational & learning resources, (basic, clinical and population-based research facilities
This college dose not have a spot
There is a non-refundable application- processing fee of $75. Tuition is $750 per unit and can be paid by credit card or check is made payable to Charles Drew University.
Enrollment is 356
This school is CALIFORNIA
This college has three major heath and science and nursing