+ Welcome to A Night At The… ■ Pojoaque Valley Sixth Grade Academy - Mario Vigil, Principal ■ Pojoaque Valley Middle School – Vera Trujillo, Principal
+ Interpreting the PARCC Report What does the report mean and how can I help my child? ■
+ State of Instruction at SGA ■ Discovery Education Assessment ■ English Language Arts ■ Test A - 31% proficiency (September 2015) ■ Test B - 44% proficiency (December 2015) ■ 13% proficiency from Test A to Test B ■ Math ■ Test A - 36% proficiency (September 2015) ■ Test B - 60% proficiency (December 2015) ■ 24% increase in proficiency from Test A to Test B
+ Next Steps at SGA ■ Common Formative Assessments in Math ■ Use data to inform instruction ■ Small groups/centers with peers and teacher ■ Principal’s classroom walkthroughs/observation and feedback; principal’s second year in NMPED Program, Principals Pursuing Excellence ■ After School Tutoring (Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00-5:00) ■ After School Algebra Enrichment (Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00-5:00)
+ Professional Development at SGA ■ Envision Your Future – Dr. Patty O’Sullivan ■ Kids experiencing Envision Your Future get to "mine the gold" of who they are, blueprint where they want to go in life, determine what it's going to take and identify the people and resources that will help them accomplish their goals. ■ Mathematically Connected Communities (MC 2 ) (SGA & PVMS) ■ Develop a sustainable, statewide learning community of teachers, teacher leaders, and principals who are highly knowledgeable about the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M) and effective instructional strategies that support all students' learning and achievement in mathematics.
+ Professional Development Continued… ■ Sherly White, English Language Arts (SGA & PVMS) Mrs. White is working with our teachers to help differentiate instruction for all students by analyzing Discovery Assessment data and planning instruction for all levels of learners. Mrs. White takes teachers through the Common Core State Standards and helps teachers break them down. ■ Teacher Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Mondays during common prep time - teachers meet collaboratively to plan instruction, analyze data, talk about students’ academic/social growth, etc.
+ PVMS: DEA, Test B and PARCC
+ Next Steps at PVMS ■ All ELA and Math teachers will be targeting Level 1 students with direct instruction. ■ Support staff will pull all Level 1 students for direct drill on basic operations including Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. ■ All teachers have participated in Item Analysis work to identify every Level students are in their classes. Additional support will be provided to all Level 1. ■ Larger number of students are below proficiency, teachers will reteach and reteach concepts students may have missed.
+ Continued… ■ Homework club is available 3 days a week. ■ Brainfuse is a free online service provided by the NM State Library. ■ All teachers will implement PARCC and DEA practice questions as part of their curriculum. ■ Principal is in the second year of training with the Public Education Initiative Principal’s Pursuing Excellence. ■ Joint Professional Development with SGA in English and Math this year.
+ PARCC Practice Sample Items Let’s explore…
+ Your Turn…. ■ We are available to answer any questions you may have. ■ Both PowerPoint Presentations will be sent electronically to you. ■ Thank you for partnering with our schools!