Coping with Climate Change in the UK: Mitigation or Adaptation? Viewpoints and Options Explore the views of NGO’s, IGO’s and corporations to the solutions debate. Consider the Kyoto Protocol and develop a case study of its potential to mitigate climate change including the more recent Bali agreement. Explore the UK and EU government solutions.
Mitigation or Adaptation? TASKS: –Add definitions of Adaptive Capacity and Climate Vulnerability to your glossary sheet (page 64) –Draw up a table listing the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following strategies using pages 64-66: Land Use Planning Agricultural Technology Geo-engineering Sustainable Development Carbon Capture Technology Carbon Neutral Development
TASKS: Follow the instructions on the sheet to complete it by the end of the lesson. Consider the viewpoints of Friends of the Earth, UN, EU, BP and Exxon in the Mitigation/Adaptation debate. Develop a case study of the key factors of the Kyoto Protocol (1997) using the supplied case study outline sheet, textbooks and websites. Consider how UK/EU Policy reflects this.
Climate Change and the UK In the UK there will be serious impacts from climate change – bullet point some of the key changes in the Met Office 2009 prediction video The 2008 Climate Change act in the UK was a world first in committing the UK to legally binding emissions MITIGATION of up to 80% by 2050 and initially 34% by EU Agreement – EU countries to achieve at least a 20% reduction in CO2 and an increase in renewable energy to 20% by 2020 – LEGALLY BINDING. Doha November 2012 – EU view The view of UK Businesses Click
APPENDIX: The high cost of current climate conditions In 2003, we saw temperatures in excess of 5°C in South East England. There were c. 5,000 excess deaths across Europe in the 2003 heatwave. (IPCC Working Group II, Fourth Assessment Report, 2007) During the UK floods of summer 2007, 13 people lost their lives and about 48,000 homes and 7,000 businesses were flooded. (The Pitt Review: Learning lessons from the 2007 floods, Sir Michael Pit, 2008) In its 2004 report, A Changing Climate for Insurance, the Association of British Insurers (ABI), notes that claims for storm and flood damages in the UK doubled to over £6bn over the period , with the prospect of a further tripling by Government estimates suggest that the value of land and property within the area protected by the Thames barrier and other upstream flood defences is estimated to be £80 billion pounds. (Defra, 2001)