Bill Hutchins & A J Kendrick Self-assessment Bill Hutchins & A J Kendrick A J Up to this point in the course we have focused on assessing team performance. This class will emphasize self-assessment. This is one of the most important classes you will receive because it provides a means to reach your full potential as a leader by seeking feedback. The material can be found on page 86 of your handbook. 1
Objectives Understand the importance of self- assessment in maximizing your leadership potential. View self-assessment as a valuable avenue for receiving feedback. Build your own tools for self-assessment in Scouting and other leadership situations. AJ Let’s look at the objectives we have for this session. CLICK Understand the importance of self-assessment in maximizing your leadership potential. View self-assessment as a valuable avenue for receiving feedback. Build your own tools for self-assessment in Scouting and other leadership situations. Transition: Maybe we need to understand the meaning of assessment. 2 2
What is an Assessment? Appraisal Evaluation Measurement Judgment Review Consideration Opinion Determination AJ So what is an assessment as it relates to yourself or your personal performance? …………..I’m looking for some synonyms ..…..……Think of an official evaluation. CLICK TO BRING UP ANSWER OK I think we covered most or some of these. It is also important to note an assessment is a judgment about something based on an firm understanding of the situation.
Assessments Measure Performance Progress AJ Assessments help us to measure our performance and progress on the particular task or skill that we want to judge. Only through measurement can we improve. 4 4
Assessments Help us See Past Present Future Bill Assessments help us see: Where we were in the past CLICK Where we are right now And helps us plot a path to the future 5 5
What Assessments Have You Done Since Starting the Course? Patrol Performance Troop Meetings PLC Patrol Project Wood Badge Course BILL What assessments have “you” done since starting this course? PAUSE WAIT FOR RESPONSES. CLICK PATROL--During breakfast your patrol conducts an assessment of its performance from the previous day. TROOP MEETINGS—At the Patrol Leader’s Council meeting, participants assess that day’s troop meeting. PLC--And, how does the senior patrol leader conclude the PLC meeting? By asking “How are you feeling? How are we doing?” It is an informal assessment, but one that may reveal important information. At the conclusion of the patrol project presentations, you will conduct an assessment of your patrol’s presentation. And finally, near the end of Day Six, you’ll be asked to assess the Wood Badge course itself. 6
We Assess Ourselves Everyday We measure ourselves against: Other People Other Teams Other Companies Other Scouting Units Social Standards BILL We assess ourselves everyday. We measure ourselves against others: Other people Other teams Other companies Other scouting units - Journey to Excellence We measure ourselves against the standards set for us by society. 7 7
Why do we need Self-Assessments? Bill All the assessments we have discussed up to this point have been for group performance. Now let’s consider the importance of self-assessments. Why do we need self-assessments? Primarily because we often perceive ourselves much differently than others perceive us. 8
We have Limitations to Listening to ourselves Meow….Roar A J There are limitations to listening only to ourselves. We have Limitations to Listening to ourselves
We see things from our Perspective Bill We see things from our own perspective. We see things from our Perspective
We see things from our Background and History A J We see things from our own unique background and history. We see things from our Background and History
Dude – YOU ROCK! So, how did I do? BEST Bill We see things the way we want them. . . rather than the way they actually are. We see things the way we want them rather than the way they actually are. 12
You scarred them for life! So, how did I do? You scarred them for life! AJ A much more complete picture of our performance/progress comes through receiving feedback from others. Early in this course we talked about the importance of feedback – it was one of the skills of “Listening to Learn”. A much more complete picture comes through receiving feedback from others 13
Why is Feedback Important? A J Why is feedback important? CLICK to see It facilitates change It Facilitates Change 14
Tips on Giving Feedback Is it helpful? Do others want it? Can it change a behavior? Is it specific? AJ Does anybody remember the tips on giving feedback way back on day one? Get some answers then CLICK They are important to assessments so let’s review the “Tips on Giving Feedback” These can be found on page 86 of the Wood Badge Handbook. Feedback should always be helpful. Otherwise there is no reason to offer it. Find out if the other people involved are open to receiving feedback. Listen carefully, and then rephrase what they say to be sure you understand them. Deal only with behavior that can be changed. Deal with specifics, not generalities. 15 15
Tips on Giving Feedback Does it describe a behavior? How does it impact you? Does it contain an “I” statement? Did the recipient understand you? AJ Describe the behavior, do not evaluate it. Let the other person know the impact the behavior has on you. Use the “I” statement to accept responsibility for your own perceptions and emotions. Make sure the recipients understand your message, ask them to rephrase what they heard you say. 16 16
You can give caring feedback without a good technique, but the slickest technique in the world will not hide a lack of caring. AJ Take a moment and read this - P-A-U-S-E It’s important to give caring feedback. Remember – “You can give caring feedback without a good technique, but the slickest technique in the world will not hide a lack of caring.” 17
Tips on Receiving Feedback Seek out feedback Listen carefully, actively, empathetically BILL Let’s also look back at Tips on Receiving Feedback on page 87. CLICK We need to seek out feedback, it will almost always provide you with information that will help you improve your performance. Listen carefully. Receiving feedback requires a heightened awareness of yourself and of the person offering the feedback. Listen actively. Restate the feedback in your own words so that the speaker knows that the message you are receiving is the same as the one the speaker intended to send. Listen empathetically. Put feedback in its proper context by observing the speaker’s body language, tone of voice, and emotions. Consider the speakers reasons for offering feedback. Finally, notice how you feel when someone offers you feedback. Becoming angry or defensive will cloud your ability to listen effectively. Notice how you feel 18 18
Consider Feedback to be a Gift, It Truly is! BILL Consider feedback to be a gift, it truly is. Good leaders constantly seek feedback no matter how much it might hurt their pride. Good leaders want to learn more about where they are and how they can more effectively move forward. 19
How do we get unbiased feedback? Bill So, how do we get unbiased feedback? SEEK A COUPLE OF AUDIENCE RESPONSES—BE NEUTRAL CLICK 20
Sometimes, you have to ask for your gift. Bill Sometimes you have to ask for your gift. How do you ask for feedback? 21
360-Degree Assessment A J One way we can get effective feedback is by developing and using a 360-Degree Assessment. By a show of hands - Who has participated in a 360-Degree Assessment? Leave your hands up if you have done it in the Scouting program. I sincerely hope you use the information in this session when you return to your units. 22 22
What is a 360-Degree Assessment? Comes from all directions A more formal feedback method Stakeholders – interested parties Evaluates goals Continuous performance improvement method A J What is a 360-degree assessment? P A U S E Get some answers. CLICK The whole concept of a 360-degree assessment is that feedback comes from all directions. In business the 360 is a formal process that can be very lengthy and complex. Stakeholders are usually your boss, peers, subordinates and others. (admin & analysis's) Goals are typically organizational rather than personal. Lastly, you must continuously improve and re-assess. 23
Steps for Developing and Using a 360-Degree Assessment Review What do you want to know? Find a facilitator Develop an assessment survey Identify stakeholders Discuss results with facilitator Commit to improvement AJ Here is an overview of the Steps for Developing and Using a 360-Degree Assessment. We will discuss each of these steps in more detail. What do you want to know? Find a facilitator Develop an assessment survey Identify Stakeholders Discuss results with facilitator Commit to improvement 24 24
What Do You Want to Know? What are your goals? Are your goals “SMART”? BILL Let’s look at the steps for developing and using a 360-degree assessment: The first step is to figure out What Do You Want to Know? CLICK 1) You will need to determine the goals for which you want to be assessed. The goals you are writing for your Wood Badge ticket are a great example. 2) Your goals need to be SMART- specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. 25 25
Find a Facilitator BILL Next, you will need to: Ask someone to help you with the assessment process. This person is called a Facilitator and will act like a neutral third part. He or she should understand how a 360-degree assessment works. If the assessment is to be of your Wood Badge ticket goals, an appropriate facilitator would be your Wood Badge ticket counselor. 26 26
Develop an Assessment Survey Survey must state the goals to be assessed Goals must be SMART Questions relate to goals Pick answer approach BILL You will need to develop an assessment survey that will provide you the kind of feedback that will help move you more effectively toward your goals. A sample 360 degree assessment can be found on page 89 of your handbook. CLICK The survey must state the goals you are striving to reach. The goals need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based) The questions on the survey should relate to the goals you are trying to reach. The answers on the survey need to be simple and straightforward. 27 27
Survey Answers Start, Stop, Continue Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light Way to Go, Way to Grow BILL The survey answers can be as simple as: Start, Stop, Continue Green light, Yellow light, Red light Way to go, Ways to grow. In my troop, we use the terms Roses and Thorns. Encourage your stakeholders to add comments and suggestions. Comments will give you a much fuller picture of how you are doing and how you can change, if necessary. 28 28
Identify Stakeholders Pick 5-10 stakeholders Charter Org. Unit Leaders District Committee Parents Commissioner Scouters Council BILL Identify 5 to 10 stakeholders with a wide range of perceptions about your progress. CLICK These can be fellow unit leaders, parents of scouts, district executives, commissioners, chartered organization representatives, or any other Scouters who have direct knowledge of your role in Scouting. 29 29
Identify Stakeholders Provide each with a copy of the survey Assure stakeholders of privacy BILL After you have identified your stakeholders, you need to: Provide each stakeholder with a copy of the survey along with a stamped envelope addressed to the Facilitator. It is essential that you assure the stakeholders that only the Facilitator will see the surveys and that you ensure the privacy of the stakeholders. 30 30
Discuss Results with Facilitator Have facilitator compile results Meet! Discuss Avenues for change BILL Upon receiving the completed surveys, the Facilitator will compile the results. You will then meet with the Facilitator to discuss the assessment. You should talk about ways to use the results to more effectively attain your goals. 31 31
Commit to Improvement Make adjustments as needed Reassessment is key AJ Based on the discussions with the facilitator, make needed adjustments. Additionally, self-assessments should be a part of your scouting responsibilities or used in other areas of your life. They should not be a onetime event. Continuous improvement only occurs through reassessment. 32 32
Steps for Developing and Using a 360-Degree Assessment Review What do you want to know? Find a facilitator Develop an assessment survey Identify stakeholders Discuss results with facilitator Commit to improvement AJ Here is a summary of the Steps for Developing and Using a 360-Degree Assessment. What do you want to know? Find a facilitator Develop an assessment survey Identify Stakeholders Discuss results with facilitator Commit to improvement The importance of a good 360-Degree Assessment is that it helps you discover differences between how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. 33 33
Tool for Leading Change Leads to positive change Teach others Assessment Ticket Journey to Excellence AJ Self-assessment leads to positive change. An assessment can be scary and many of us resist change. But assessments help us measure our progress toward reaching our goals. We can also lead change by teaching others the importance of assessments. You could use assessments to measure your progress in completing your ticket. Lastly, the Journey to Excellence performance recognition program offers many opportunities to use the assessment tools found in this session. 34 34
Review Self-Assessment Maximizes your leadership potential An avenue for receiving feedback Develop a 360-degree assessment AJ As a final review let’s the objectives we had for this session. The overarching objective of this class was to give you ways to maximize your leadership potential. The avenues to accomplish this was through feedback or a more formal 360-degree assessment. And remember FEEDBACK is a GIFT! Understand the importance of self-assessment in maximizing your leadership potential. View self-assessment as a valuable avenue for receiving feedback. Build your own tools for self-assessment in Scouting and other leadership situations. 35 35
Go get Your Gift! AJ Go Get Your Gift! 36 36
AJ Go Get Your Gift! 37 36