Name of the Partner School: Soligorsk, Belarus Teacher In Charge: Volha Kruhlova Topic: Books our Eternal companion Book in Focus: Alice in the wonderland
I think that the key message is the importance of being "yourself".We should have our own opinion and be able to defend it.
Who is your Favourite Character in the book and why? My favourite character is the Cheshire cat because he is an unusual cat. He is wise, clever, self-sufficient and funny. I'd like to have a friend like this cat. Who is your Favourite Character in the book and why? My favourite character is the Cheshire cat because he is an unusual cat. He is wise, clever, self-sufficient and funny. I'd like to have a friend like this cat.
Yes. I would suggest the book to my friends outside the school.If given a chance I will be interested in conducting a story telling session with the younger generation. Would you suggest the book to your friends outiside the school? If given a chance will you be interested in conducting a story telling session with the younger generation?
Feedback Form
According to me the theme is Alice’s initial reaction after falling down the rabbit hole is one of extreme loneliness.Her curiosity has led her into a kind of Never –Never Land, over the edge of Reality & into a lonely, very alien world.
Alice is my favourite character. Alice is a little girl with full of innocence and adventure. She always thinks in her own way & dreams about unusual characters and strange situations. She always lives in dream like situations. That’s why I like Alice the most.
Little introduction with the characters from the book and fun games
Hello, I’m Alice. Nice to meet you all. I hope you’ve read my story and I would like to tell you that I’ll guide you in this presentation...
First, I’ll introduce my friends whom I saw in Wonderland! So, first a warm welcome to...
I’ve an elder sister. Hello I love to read.
I’ll like to show you some of my pictures in which my experiences are there with my friends....
Can you tell where’s the rabbit is going? Answer Click on the answer button to get answer
Rabbit hole (the path of Wonderland)
I’m hoping that you would like to know something about our story writer i.e. Lewis Carroll.
Now, I would like to show something cool for printable....
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Who is the author of Alice in wonderland? Can you tell us the pseudonym which the author used for writing? Who is the character of Alice loosely based on? The author is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. The pseudonym is Lewis Carroll. The character of Alice Loosely is based on Alice Pleasance Liddell.
According to me the theme is travelling in a strange world and lived experience of the main character.
My favourite character is Cheshire Cat because he is magic and cleaver. He said wise things and helped Alice..
I would suggest this book to people who like to read strange and complex stories. Maybe I’d like to CONDUCT A STORY TELLING SESSION WITH THE YOUNGER GENERATION but I think that they won’t understand it. Would you suggest the book to your friends outiside the school? If given a chance will you be interested in conducting a story telling session with the younger generation?
Taha Bansarwala Grade: 6 Mount Litera Zee School, Howrah, India
Who is the author of Alice in wonderland? Can you tell us the pseudonym which the author used for writing? Who is the character of Alice loosely based on? The author is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. The pseudonym is Lewis Carroll. The character of Alice Loosely is based on Alice Pleasance Liddell.
According to me the theme is Alice’s initial reaction after falling down the rabbit hole is one of fear and helplessness. Her curiosity has led her into a kind of Never –Never Land, over the edge of Reality & into a lonely, very alien world.
My favorite Character is the mad hatter as he is the most wise and rational creature and gives us some precious life lessons in the book.
The message is that we change every moment in our life. The person who accepts this reality is the most happiest.
Yes, I would definitely want the younger ones to read this story as it gives a very good idea of how can you fall into trouble without thinking
Thank You Its me Taha Abbas
Famous Quote of Alice in the Wonderland Project by Sankalp Saraf
One of my Favorite Lines Some inspirational Quotes from Alice in the Wonderland that changed my life
One of my Favorite Lines Some inspirational Quotes from Alice in the Wonderland that changed my life
Who is the author of Alice in wonderland? Can you tell us the pseudonym which the author used for writing? Who is the character of Alice loosely based on? The author is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. The pseudonym is Lewis Carroll. The character of Alice Loosely is based on Alice Pleasance Liddell.
According to me the theme of the story is fantasy and also how mad people are actually the most sane in mystery.
The story is about daydreams of Alice. Alice’s mindset is childlike,distractible. She then begins to piece together a perfect world of her own while her imaginations runs wild.
My favorite Character is Alice as she is very adventurous and does not give up in hard times
Project by Anton School: SOLIGORSK, BELARUS Topic: Alice in the wonderland
Who is the author of Alice in wonderland? Can you tell us the pseudonym which the author used for writing? Who is the character of Alice loosely based on? The author is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. The pseudonym is Lewis Carroll. The character of Alice Loosely is based on Alice Pleasance Liddell.
The author wanted to describe how a child sees the adult world, including all of the (in the eyes of a child silly and arbitrary) rules and social etiquette we created for ourselves, as well as the ego’s and bad habits we have developed during our lives.
In my opinion the key message of this book is that the adult world is really strange for children. There are so many rules children can’t understand. Maybe, that is why the plot is so strange..
My favorite Character is Mad Hatter because I can relate to the character
Who is the author of Alice in wonderland? Can you tell us the pseudonym which the author used for writing? Who is the character of Alice loosely based on? The author is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. The pseudonym is Lewis Carroll. The character of Alice Loosely is based on Alice Pleasance Liddell.
The author wanted to describe how a child sees the adult world, including all of the (in the eyes of a child silly and arbitrary) rules and social etiquette we created for ourselves, as well as the ego’s and bad habits we have developed during our lives.
In my opinion the key message of this book is that the adult world is really strange for children. There are so many rules children can’t understand. Maybe, that is why the plot is so strange..
My favorite Character is Mad Hatter because I can relate to the character
Name of the Partner School:Drochia, Moldova Teacher In Charge: Dorina Topic: Books our Eternal companion Book in Focus: Alice in the wonderland
Feedback in form of a video presentation Name: Rusu Alice Country: Moldova
Name of the Partner School: Mendham, New Jersey, United States Teacher In Charge: Robin Sheridan Topic: Books our Eternal Companion Book in Focus: Alice in the Wonderland
Who is the author of Alice in wonderland? Can you tell us the pseudonym which the author used for writing? Who is the character of Alice loosely based on? The author is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Alice is loosely based off of Alice Liddell, a young friend of the author.
According to you what is the theme of Alice in Wonderland? There is not really a theme in Alice in Wonderland. There is so much nonsense and fun that not much can be learned throughout the story. It is more about blissful escape from reality.
My favourite character in the story is the Mad Hatter. I like him because he is unexplainable. He is like a mind, unknown yet open and strange in every way. Who is your favourite character in the story and why?
What do you think is the key message of Alice in wonderland? I think the main message is to be greatful of the world you live in.
Name of the Partner School: Baranovichi, Brest region, Belarus Teacher In Charge: Anna Kolsova Topic: Books our Eternal Companion Book in Focus: Alice in the Wonderland
Who is the author of Alice in wonderland? Can you tell us the pseudonym which the author used for writing? Who is the character of Alice loosely based on? The author is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Alice is loosely based off of Alice Liddell, a young friend of the author.
According to you what is the theme of Alice in Wonderland? The author wanted to tell us that we shouldn't be afraid of our dreams because they can come true. It also helps us believe in the power of dreams
My favourite character is the Cheshire cat because he is an unusual cat.He is wise,clever, self-sufficient and funny.I'd like to have a friend like this cat. Who is your favourite character in the story and why?
What do you think is the key message of Alice in wonderland? I think that the key message is the importance of being "yourself". We should have our own opinion and be able to defend it. We think that everyone should believe in wonders. If people believe they will happen. Project By Polina Leush & Eldar Petrov