5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER By:Molly Bynum Gilbert Kwimi Patricia Lu Alexey Mikheev Daniel Webb
5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER INTRODUCTION Education Why is education so important? Who is responsible for our youth? How education can help children escape poverty?
5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER BACKGROUND “One of America’s favorite independent booksellers” Founded in 1972 (by Ken Gjemre and Pat Anderson) Children & education extremely important
5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER Schools: Short Assemblies, Scholarships Applications Online: Website Registration, Social Media Advertisements: Radio, Flyers, Registration Forms Promotion PROPOSAL
5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER STAFFING 5 volunteers per 100 participants 75 staff members including volunteers 10 water stations throughout the course
5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER BUDGET 3,000 participants 41 scholarships
5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER Cost Efficiency: Every $1 spent generates $3.31 BUDGET
5K FUN RUN AND WALK SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER Importance for children: 41 Scholarships Entertainment for community: 5K Fun Run/Walk Efficiency for investors: Over 3:1 Return on Investment Save money, choose the best! CONCLUSION