Institution for a film
I think, that the best company for our movie is still Warner Bros. They would make it because we will provide them with high-quality screenplay, which we will try to make promising for making a lot of money at the box office with a relatively low budget.
Warner Bros. is one of "The Big 6" studios so they make a lot of films every year and there very popular ones such as all latest Nolan's films, Harry Potter series, Matrix, Gravity etc. Such a huge film studio is always have a tent- pole movie so they have an ability to invest money from it to ambitious projects like our film. If they like the screen play, they may let us do it, they tend to do so sometimes.
If we are speaking about marketing- Warner Bros. is a part of Time Warner, which is a big conglomerate, so we can advertise our "product" using their resources. They are in charge of several newspapers and TV channels which are both great areas of media to market the film.
Again, because they are so huge, they do not specialise in a particular genre. They are producing movies in pretty much every of them to gain audiences with completely different interests into cinemas for bigger profit. That's why I hope they find some money to make ours as well.