3aSC20. Sentence Comprehension When FormantTransitions Are Present Or Absent By Normal-hearing And Hearing-impaired Listeners. Jaehee Lee * & Diane Kewley-Port ** Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Indiana University
Original sentence: If she moved gracefully, she was clumsy at it
Sentence In the pity for them his loneliness was gone. Previous condition: Full and VIN (Vowels-in) FULL VIN
Previous condition: Full and CIN (Consonants-in) FULL CIN Sentence 601. But that explanation is only partly true
2 conditions: Steady-state (SSVC) and Transition in vowels and consonants (TRVC ) FULL TRVC SSVC
2 conditions: Onset Transition (ONTR) and Offset Transition (OFFTR) Sentence 601. But that explanation is only partly true FULL ONTR OFFTR
Sentence In the pity for them his loneliness was gone. 2 conditions: Steady-state (SSVC) and Transition in vowels and consonants (TRVC ) SSVC TRVC FULL
Sentence In the pity for them his loneliness was gone. 2 conditions: Onset Transition (ONTR) and Offset Transition (OFFTR) ONTR OFFTR FULL