Doc.: IEEE 802.19-11/0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 1 802.11af Liaison Report Notice: This document has been prepared to.


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Presentation transcript:

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide af Liaison Report Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: Authors:

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 2 Abstract Liaison report from af as presented to

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide af Status before September Meeting Comment resolution going on… Group had telcos on August 2 nd, 9 th, 16 th and 23 rd, and September 6 th. Minutes available in r0, r0, r0, r0, r0. Had Ad Hoc in Seoul last week. Minutes available in r0. Created the LB171 comment spreadsheet in 11-11/277r17 Created speculative draft D1.03.

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 4 Current af Status Approved comment spreadsheet (277r17) and speculative draft 1.03 as working draft. Presentations related to comment resolution mainly dealing with following MAC issues: –Network Channel Control. –Control Power Management. –Spectrum mask descriptor. –Channel Availability Query –TLV Structure

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 5 Current af Status Discussion in mid plenary about draft standard. Update on regulatory work in Canada and UK. Information about Cambridge trail. –Forty-five day geo-location database trial begun September 19 th. We can assume that devices to be protected are present in the database. –Following document show today’s TV white space channels available at city hall of 19 cities: mhzpops.xls af-us-metro- mhzpops.xls –It looks like wireless microphone use is a larger percentage of the totals.

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 6 Current af Status Document 1209r1 gives what kind of information OFCOM would like to be exchanged between database and WSD: – From WSD to relevant dB: Location information, location accuracy, device type, device usage, Tx mask identifier, antenna height, antenna gain, antenna profile and –Between dB and WSD: Maximum transmit power allowed, frequency(s) of operation, period of validity, geographic limit of slave, sensing or not, sensing level, switch-off operation instruction. –Also highlights what is covered by af and what is not.

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 7 Current af Status All PHY comments related to DSSS and n rejected as group has adopted ac basis for their PHY. Considering possibility of 4, 8, 16 MHz BW. Approximately 250 technical comments have TG approved resolution in this meeting. Approximately 500 technical comments (out of 892) now have resolution. All editorial (408) have TG approved resolution. Will not wait for ac before going to next LB.

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 8 Plans for November Meeting Approve minutes from Okinawa and teleconferences Approve draft 1.04 and spreadsheet 277r? Approve proposals from teleconferences Regulatory update Complete comment resolution. Create draft 2.0 Ask the WG to go to Letter Ballot Telcos on Tuesdays (21:00 ET for up to 2 Hrs.).

doc.: IEEE /0110r1 Submission September 2011 Prabodh Varshney, NokiaSlide 9 Official TGaf Timeline (Updated) Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: January 2011 Second Working Group Letter Ballot: November 2011 Recirculation Letter Ballot: March 2012 Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: June 2012 Initial Sponsor Ballot: September 2012 Recirculate Sponsor Ballot: November 2012 Final WG/EC Approval: March 2013 RevCom/Standards Board Approval: March 2013