Scaling Up in Illinois Illinois STS Team Deb Kunz Brenda Melcher Barbara Sims
Regional Implementation Team Choose your “stars” Individuals from variety of statewide projects History of effective collaboration Willingness to be initiative neutral Willingness to coach rather than train Flexibility Commitment to continuous learning Collaborative Partners
Regional Implementation Team Fulfill one of these roles: Representative of entire state Parent Literacy expertise Representative of spectrum of statewide Evidence Based Practices or Programs
Building Relationships Planning meetings for several months Sharing each initiative’s key components Identifying common core elements Sharing lessons learned
SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Supporting Decision Making Supporting Students STUDENT OUTCOMES Social Competence & Academic Achievement
District Selection Process Geography – Transformation Zone Variety Rural Urban K-8 High School K-12 Status
District Leadership and Implementation Team Membership Necessary Superintendent (or designee) Director of Curriculum & Instruction Director of Special Education Principal Board Member Family member (not a district employee) Union representative District Level Coach(es) Encouraged Regional Office of Education Statewide System of Support Community Partner Data Manager Special Ed Cooperative Representative
Support to Districts Create readiness with key stakeholders Build a District Leadership and Implementation Team representative of those stakeholders Build the infrastructure and processes necessary to implement and sustain evidence based practices Focus on the core elements
Core Elements Leadership and Commitment Family Partnerships Coaching and Professional Development Evidence Based Practices Team Based Implementation Data Based Decision Making
Model Expectations RIT Membership Roles Facilitator Note Taker Observer Coaching Process Lead through “conversations” Goal of coaching is to give skills away
Evidence Based Practices Guiding Questions District Documents Needed: District Improvement Plan (including RtI plan) Working Smarter: A Look Back Follow-up Questions Working Smarter: At A Glance Working Smarter: Community Resources Introductory Questions What are the strengths of your current system? Probing Questions Universal Systems What discussions have you had in your district regarding RtI and evidence based practices? What specific EBPs are you implementing? What resources are available for delivering evidence based practices? How are resources utilized? How are teachers informed of the process of accessing/implementing these interventions? How are families informed and included in the process? Tiered Intervention Who is receiving interventions and how is it determined that a student needs them?
Tools for Each Step ISSA Tools District Team Meeting Log Current At a Glance Grid Look Back Grid Guiding Questions Core Element District Self Assessment District Data Summary District Tools District Improvement Plan Mission/Vision Statements District Data Forms Academic and Behavior Curriculum
District Protocol Facilitate self-assessment for district team Identified presentations, activities and guiding questions for each meeting Develop action plan via District Improvement Plan Process Use of process tools to start building system Problem solve as roadblocks occur Identify what policies/practices need changing Identify regional supports to join team
Lessons Learned Consider reaction of individuals at all system levels determine how to communicate with and/or involve them When an RIT member already works in a district through an initiative such as PBIS, the district leadership may not be able see them in a different role Any RIT member already providing support services will not be the facilitator in the process with that district Try not to get too attached to your products – they will change There are many more dimensions to this process than initially realized