Harvesting the Fruits of Your Classroom Cultivating Learning Styles in a Differentiated Classroom Based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Illinois Reading Council Conference Fall 2014 Presentation By: Mrs. Christy Ziller Wilmington Middle School Wilmington, Il
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” – Ignacio Estrada
If the Shoe Fits… How to Develop Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Carolyn Chapman
Nurturing Intelligences: A Guide to Multiple Intelligences Theory and Teaching by: Brian A. Haggerty
Charlotte Danielson - Evidence Component 3a: Communicating with Students Backward Design Model Presentation of materials in a clear manner Sequence Graphic Organizers Concepts Maps
Charlotte Danielson - Evidence Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Open-ended Questioning Text-Dependent Questioning Question Frames Turn-To-Your-Partner Activity Think-Write-Pair Share Activity
Charlotte Danielson - Evidence Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning I Used to Think…But Now I Know Collaborative Strategic Reading Comparison Organizers Pattern Organizers Small Group Strategies Visualizing Strategies Summarizing Strategies Information Organizers Informal /Formal Writing
Charlotte Danielson - Evidence Component 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction Observations Conversations Student Self-Evaluations Artifacts of Learning Analysis Formative Assessment Tools
Component 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Special Education Individualized Learning
Unit of Study to Inventory My Classroom
Lesson 1 Day 1: Learning About M.I.
Power Point with Foldable
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Bodily/Kinesthetic
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Visual/Spatial
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Musical/ Rhythmic
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Verbal/ Linguistic
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Interpersonal
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Naturalistic
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Intrapersonal
Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Mathematical/Logic
PMI – Positive, Minus, and Intriguing
3-2-1 Assessment
Lesson 3: Day 4 Mapping Our Strengths
Reflection Questions How can teachers make improvements to their teaching now that you are aware of multiple intelligences and your personal strengths as a learner? What recommendations would you make to our school administration to strengthen student achievement as it pertains to learning styles?
Lesson 4: Day 5 and 6 Analysis of Non-Fiction Text
Lesson 5: Day 7 Text Dependent Questions about Informational Text
Lesson 6: Day 8, 9, and 10 Biography and Autobiography Using Mentor Text How We Are Smart by: W. Nikola-Lisa (Student Example)
Other Ways To Develop M.I. Verbal/Linguistic Computers Dramatic readings Cooperative learning Peer teaching Graphic organizers Games films
Other Ways To Develop M.I. Musical/Rhythmic Establish a musical environment Create curriculum songs Create raps, songs, jingles, cheers, and poems Create musical mnemonics Practice unison recall Allow background noises and music Create dances that illustrate concepts
Other Ways To Develop M.I. Logical/mathematical Puzzles Patterns and their relationships Analogies Timelines; outlines Computers Categorizing facts and information Challenging tasks
Other Ways To Develop M.I. Visual/Spatial Variety of art materials Camera Graphic-rich environment Posters, charts, graphics, and pictures Illustrations, sketches, drawings, and painting Use of overhead or Elmo Props Color coding system
Other Ways To Develop M.I. Bodily/Kinesthetic Field trips Centers Labs Outdoor education Use of manipulative Sports/games Frequent stretching/excercising projects
Other Ways To Develop M.I. Intrapersonal Problem solving Goal setting Journals Metacognition Independent learning times Silent reflection time Imagery exercising Independent assignments Self-discovery
Other Ways To Develop M.I. Interpersonal Think-pair-share Cooperative tasks Jigsaw Group tasks: comic strips, songs, poems, or collages Physical activities such as games
Contact Information Mrs. Christy Ziller B.A. Elementary Education, M.S. Reading 7 th grade Wilmington Middle School Wilmington School District 209-U