EEE APPENDIX B Transformation of RV Huseyin Bilgekul EEE 461 Communication Systems II Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Eastern Mediterranean University Functional Transformation of RV Sinusoidal Transformation Diode characteristic Rayleigh distribution
EEE Homework Assignment I Homework Problems B-5, B-7, B10, B-26, B-32 To be returned 25 October 2005
EEE Functional Transformations of RVs RV’s need to be evaluated as a function of another RV whose distribution is known. x Input PDF, f x (x), given y=h(x) Output PDF, f y (y), to be found h(x) Transfer Characteristic (no memory)
EEE Transformation of RVs-Finding f Y (y) Define an event around a point y, over a small interval increment, dy. –This used rectangle area approximation, and is exact for incremental dy. The inverse image of this event in Y maps to an even X with the same probability.
EEE y = Transformation of RVs-Finding f Y (y)
EEE Points between y and y+dy map in this example to 2 corresponding segments in x, thus the corresponding event is disjoint: Therefore: Transformation of RVs-Finding f Y (y)
EEE f Y (y) PDF after transformation y = Transformation of y=g(x) Transformation of RVs-Finding f Y (y)
EEE Transforming RVs Theorem: If y=h(x) where h( ) is the transfer function of a memoryless device, Then the PDF of the output, y is: –f x (x) is the PDF of the input. –M is the number of real roots of y=h(x), which means that the inverse of y=h(x) gives x 1, x 2,..., x M for a single value of y. Single vertical line denotes the evaluation of the quantity at
EEE Example Sinusoidal Distribution Let x is uniformly distributed from –π to π. What is the PDF of y Input PDF Output PDF
EEE For some value of y, say y 0, there are two possible values of x, say x 1 and x 2 Example Sinusoidal Distribution Simplify by replacing pdf of x with f x (x)=1/2 Evaluating cosine terms, see figure
EEE PDF at the output of a Diode Diode current-voltage characteristic modeled as shown B>0 For y>0, M=1; y<0 M=0 At y=0, it maps to all x<0 (infinite number of roots). A discrete point at y=0 with a finite probability.
EEE For y>0, M=1; y<0 M=0 At y=0, it maps to all x<0 (infinite number of roots). A discrete point at y=0 with a finite probability. PDF at the output of a Diode
EEE Exercise 1 1.y=Kx X is normal, N(0, x 2 ) Find the pdf of y
EEE Dart Board Randomly throw darts at a dart board More likely to throw darts in center each coordinate is a Gaussian RV x y
EEE Given two independent, identically distributed (IID) Gaussian RVs, x and y: Find the PDFs of the amplitude and phase of these variables (polar coordinates): Rayleigh Distribution
EEE Rayleigh Distribution Joint density of x and y is: Transform from (x,y) to polar coordinates:
EEE Probability of hitting a spot C x y dr dd r dd
EEE From calculus recall that this integral can be converted to polar coordinates: Rayleigh Distribution
EEE Relationship between density functions is: Rayleigh Distribution
EEE Change Coordinates Relationship between density functions is: Take the joint distribution and integrate out one of the variables to obtain MARGINAL DENSITIES.
EEE Rayleigh Distribution Rayleigh distribution; used to model fading, radar clutter
EEE y=x 2 Find the pdf of y X is normal, N(0, x 2 ) Exercise 2