Choices and Consequences By Brittany Noel Felber
Your best friend wants you to come over to their house. You ask your mom for permission to go, and she says no. What do you do? Lie to your mom And tell her it is Your friends Birthday so she lets You go. AB Tell your friend You can’t come. Have your friend Come to your House. CD Ignore what she Said and have Your friend pick You up.
She believes your lie and she lets you go, but you have to get her a present for her “birthday”. What do you do? Do you get a Present and give it to Your friend? Do you get a present and Give it to your friend?
Consequence: Your mom finds out you went anyways, and you are grounded for one month. Do you ignore your Mom again and Sneak out? Do you serve your Punishment?
Your friend is mad at you for not coming to her house. What do you do? You try to explain Why you can’t come. You allow her to be Mad, knowing she Will get over it soon.
You ask your mom for your friend to come over. She doesn’t give you an answer. What do you do? Do you ask your Mom again a few Minutes later? Do you wait for her To answer?
You explain to her why you can’t come and she understands. You are best friends again.
Consequence: You keep the present. You go home the next day and your mom finds the present. She found out you lied and you are grounded.
Consequence: You give her the present and she asks you what its for. You tell her you had to lie to your mom and say it was her birthday in order for you to come. Your friends mom overhears the conversation and tells your mom.
Consequence: You sneak out and the police find you and take you home. You are grounded for two more months.
Consequence: Your mom is proud of you and you can go to your friends house whenever you want!
Consequence: She doesn’t get over it, and she doesn’t talk to you anymore. You never speak to each other again.
Consequence: She gets mad at you for asking again, and she says no. You are stuck at home.
Consequence: You wait for her to answer and she does. She said yes! You and your friend have a great time!