Master thesis 2006 Shirotori1 Hypernuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy at J-PARC K1.8 beam line 東北大学大学院理学研究科 原子核物理 白鳥昂太郎
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 2 Contents Introduction J-PARC facility & K1.8 beam line Design of spectrometer : SksMinus Background veto counters Summary J-PARC
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori3 Introduction
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 4 Hypernucleus h ypernucleus → is bound in a nucleus. Baryon other than nucleons (p/n) N-N interaction → B-B interaction Deeply bound in a nucleus w/o Pauli effect The possible change of baryon properties in the nuclear medium Nucleus hypernucleus
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 5 Investigation of hypernuclei Systematic study at J-PARC Spin dependent interaction Energy spacing of hypernuclei (~ a few 100 keV). → Only -ray spectroscopy with germanium detectors (2-3keV) Spin flip B(M1) transition g-factor of in nuclear medium
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 6 Hypernuclear -ray spectroscopy experiment Missing mass analysis : magnetic spectrometers (identification of hypernuclear bound states ) Beam K - Scattered - -ray measurement by Ge detector array rays from hypernuclei : Particle- coincidence ( +, K + KEK, (K -, - BNL Magnetic spectrometers + Hyperball (K -, - ) J-PARC Optimized magnetic spectrometer + Hyperball-J Upgrade
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 7 (K -, - ) reaction Large production rate (/beam) Large elementary cross section, n (K -, - ) : order of mb > n( +, K + ) : ~10 2 b, p(e, e’K + ) : ~1 b Angular selectivity Small momentum transfer 5°~ 100 MeV/c : L = 0 10°~ 200 MeV/c : L = 1 or 1.5 GeV/c beam Spin-flip cross section exists at large angles ( >10°). More advantages in hypernuclear -ray spectroscopy experiment
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 8 Day-1 experiment at J-PARC Several light hypernuclear -ray spectroscopy experiments are planned. Beam momentum (K -, - 1.5 GeV/c Both spin-flip and spin-non-flip production n 7 Li Spin-flip B(M1) measurement (g-factor of in nuclear medium) 10 B, 11 B, 19 F Study of N interaction 4 He (Beam momentum GeV/c) Charge symmetry breaking of N interaction Spin-flip property of hypernuclear production
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori9 Experimental facility
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 10 J-PARC & Hadron facility (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) Very high intensity proton beam ~15 A →High intensity secondary hadronic beam ~10 M K - /spill (~50 times higher) Experimental setup has to meet the condition of K1.8 beam line. J-PARC Hadron experimental facility
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 11 J-PARC & Hadron facility (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) Experimental setup has to meet the condition of K1.8 beam line. Very high intensity proton beam ~15 A →High intensity secondary hadronic beam ~10 M K - /spill (~50 times higher) J-PARC
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 12 K1.8 beam line K GeV/c 500 k/spill, full intensity (30 GeV, 9 A) ( GeV/c, GeV/c) Beam spectrometer (QQDQQ) Timing counter (BH1&BH2) Aerogel cherenkov counter : - veto (BAC) MWPC and DC : Beam tracking (BC1~4) p/p ~ 3.3×10 -4 (FWHM)
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 13 Experimental setup -ray measurement by Hyperball-J Missing mass analysis by magnetic spectrometer from (K -, - ) events Hyperball-J Good magnetic spectrometer performance is necessary. +
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori14 Magnetic spectrometer -SksMinus-
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 15 Spectrometer design from this work 1.Requirements 2.SksMinus elements : Detectors 3.Optimization 4.Basic performance Acceptance Momentum resolution 5.Design of veto counters and results of simulation Beam-through Beam decay
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 16 Requirements for spectrometer To analyze 1.4 GeV/c (1.1~1.8 GeV/c) scattered - by existing spectrometer magnet Large acceptance ~100 msr, 20 degree → Efficient tagging of hypernuclei and angular selectivity Good momentum resolution 2 4 MeV/c (FWHM) → Identification of bound states of hypernuclei (mass resolution ~5 MeV (FWHM) ) Modified SKS (Superconducting Kaon Spectrometer) -SksMinus-
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 17 SksMinus elements : Detectors Drift chamber : momentum analysis Timing counter PID counters : Identification of (K -, - ) reaction Aerogel Cherenkov counters K - beam veto counter (timing counter) (Beam decay veto counters)
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 18 Present SKS Momentum resolution 0.1%FWHM ( MeV/c, 2.2T Acceptance GeV/c Maximum central momentum T 1.05 GeV/c ( +, K + ) reaction (K GeV/c) 2.2T scat ~20° Incident beam direction Size and placement of detectors at the exit of the SKS magnet
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 19 Present SKS scat ~20° 2.7T Momentum resolution 0.1%FWHM ( MeV/c, 2.2T Acceptance GeV/c Maximum central momentum T 1.05 GeV/c ( +, K + ) reaction (K GeV/c) Incident beam direction Size and placement of detectors at the exit of the SKS magnet
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 20 Optimization Optimization of acceptance for the 1.5 GeV/c beam condition Determination of incident beam angle (20 degree) Adjustment of drift chamber position Target distance (~80 cm) Performance (acceptance, momentum resolution) checked by the Geant4 simulation
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 21 Simulation results of acceptance Acceptance at 1.4 GeV/c, ~130 msr Enough angular acceptance, ~20 degree
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 22 Simulation results of momentum resolution Simulation condition : DC resolution 400 m (rms) Multiple scattering DC:Ar gas, He bag, other:Air Results : Momentum resolution at 1.4 GeV/c ~2.1 MeV/c (FWHM) DC resolution ~1.6 MeV/c Multiple scattering ~1.3 MeV/c Missing mass ~2.0 MeV (FWHM) Present SKS momentum 0.72 GeV/c K - Simulation ~0.8 MeV/c (FWHM) Measured ~1.3 MeV/c (FWHM)
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 23 SksMinus setup SksMinus STOF : Time-of-flight SAC : K - beam veto (n=1.03) SFV : K - beam veto SDC1~4 : Beam position measurement Background Veto SMF : - from K - → - + SP0 : - from K - → - + 0 _ Trigger = K in ×PI out K in = BH1×BH2×BAC PI out = STOF×SAC×SFV×SMF×SP0 Target ~20 g/cm 2
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori24 Background veto counters Beam veto Muon filter PiZero veto
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 25 Background events True events : (K -, - ) reaction Fake events Beam-through events Beam decay - (K - → - ) - (K - → - 0 ) _ Beam-through Beam decay
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 26 Background events : Beam-through Rejection of Beam K - SAC (n=1.03) ~98% + SFV → Less than 30 trigger /spill (500 k/spill beam) STOF : Time resolution ~150 ps (rms) SAC SFV
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 27 Background events : Beam decay Trigger rate Missing mass Fake trigger ~1940 /spill True event trigger ~600 /spill (Contribution of three-body decay ~200 /spill) Beam K BACSAC Target 20cm Reaction K - → - (63.4%) (1390 /spill) ⇒ Muon Filter K - → - 0 (21.1%) (350 /spill) ⇒ PiZero Veto _
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 28 Beam K BACSAC Target 20cm Decay Background events : Beam decay Fake trigger ~1940 /spill True event trigger ~600 /spill (Contribution of three-body decay ~200 /spill) _ K - → - (63.4%) (1390 /spill) ⇒ Muon Filter K - → - 0 (21.1%) (350 /spill) ⇒ PiZero Veto _ Trigger rate Missing mass
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 29 Muon Filter -SMF- design Stopping/absorption points Pass through Absorbed by
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 30 Muon Filter -SMF- design -- -- 1 m Scattered particles SKS Iron Stopping/absorption points
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 31 Muon Filter -SMF- design -- -- 1 m Scattered particles SKS Iron Stopping/absorption points
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 32 Muon Filter -SMF- performance Rejected 86% Non-rejected (stopped in the iron) → offline analysis >99% Over kill for true π ~2.5% Rejected Non-rejected Target SKS magnet Iron SMF Stopping/absorption points STOF
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 33 PiZero veto -SP0- design The total thickness of SP0 is limited < 16 cm. E = 60 ~ 1200 MeV : ~4 Pb Lead thickness & energy deposit
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 34 PiZero veto -SP0- design The total thickness of SP0 is limited < 16 cm. E = 60 ~ 1200 MeV : ~4 Pb Lead thickness & energy deposit
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 35 PiZero veto -SP0- performance 78% of - 0 events rejected 6 sets of 5 mm lead plate and 10 mm scintillation counter layer at 1.5 GeV/c beam. Acceptance 85%
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 36 Background rejection and trigger rate ~470/spill w/ Ge trigger Comparable to the present trigger rate decay Total trigger is reduced by Ge trigger ~1/2. 7 Li bound states Offline analysis (K -,π - ) Reaction rate : 600 ⇒ ~570 K - → - : 1390 ⇒ ~190 K - → - 0 : 350 ⇒ ~80 K - Beam : ~30 3-body decay : 200 ⇒ ~70 Total : 2570 (1940) ⇒ 940 (340) /spill
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori37 Summary
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 38 Summary Hypernuclear -ray spectroscopy experiment (Day-1 experiment) at the J-PARC K1.8 beam line Magnetic spectrometer designed Optimization of setup Acceptance ~130 msr Angular coverage ~20 degree Momentum resolution 2.1 MeV/c Veto counters designed and performances checked SMF : ~86% - events rejected SP0 : ~78% - 0 events rejected _ Feasibility proved by the present study Ready for construction
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori39 Backup
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 40 4 He experiment Charge symmetry breaking of N interaction 4 H ⇔ 4 He ( n ⇔ p) Both binging energy and energy spacing are different. Statistics of old data is low. Spin-flip property of hypernuclear production Important information for systematic study Study of baryon production in nuclear medium Beam momentum GeV/c n
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 41 Setup and Hyperball-J -ray measurement by Hyperball-J (Total photo peak efficiency 1 MeV by Geant4 simulation) Missing mass analysis by magnetic spectrometer from (K -, - ) events Hyperball-J Good magnetic spectrometer performance is necessary. Present study
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 42 Choice of spectrometer Modified SKS (SksMinus) Name Accept. [msr] Resol. [MeV/c] Max. Mom. [GeV/c] SKS SksPlus30 KURAMA20020 2.0 ×SksPlus : Acceptance is limited by the magnet gap. ×KURAMA: Momentum resolution is limited by bending power. △ SKS : Acceptance and maximum momentum are determined by geometry and detector size. → SKS can be usable by modification to the bending magnet.
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 43 SKS to SksMinus Momentum resolution 0.1%FWHM ( MeV/c, 2.2T Acceptance GeV/c Maximum central momentum T 1.05 GeV/c ( +, K + ) reaction (K GeV/c) 2.2T scat ~20° Present SKS scat ~20° 2.7T
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 44 Background rejection and trigger rate (K -,π - ) Reaction rate : 600 ⇒ ~570 K - → - : 1390 ⇒ ~190 K - → - 0 : 350 ⇒ ~80 K - Beam : ~30 3-body decay : 200 ⇒ ~70 Total : 2570 (1940) ⇒ 940 (340) /spill Total trigger is reduced by Ge trigger ~1/2. ~470/spill w/ Ge trigger Comparable to the present trigger rate decay 7 Li bound states Offline analysis
Master thesis 2006 Shirotori 45 4 He experiment (Spin-flip measurement) p K = (1.1), 1.3, 1.5, 1.8 GeV/c Acceptance and momentum resolution → Small loss of acceptance (1.1 and 1.8 GeV/c) PID counters : STOF, SAC and SFV → Enough Veto counters → SMF does not have to be changed. SP0 is fixed. → More study is needed : Trigger 1.8 GeV/c. SMF : 580 /spill, SP0 ; 360 /spill momentum vs hit point The correlation between momentum and hit position follows the same distribution.