Strengthening Parental Involvement in Georgia Schools
The Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA) significantly raises expectations for states, local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools in that all students will meet or exceed standards in reading and mathematics within twelve years of the signing of the law. The intent of Title I, Part A is to help all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state and academic standards and assessments.
All Title I Schools are required to hold an annual Title I meeting with parents and stakeholders within the first 4 weeks of school. Purpose of Meeting: Inform parents of requirements of parental involvement provisions of ESEA. School’s participation under ESEA. Parents’ right to be involved in the education of their children.
Development /update of a parent involvement plan. Parents will receive information relative to, but limited to: Concerning Title I programs Description/Explanation of School Curriculum Assessment used to measure student progress and expected proficiency levels Opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions, etc.
Each school is required to have a parent advisory committee. Our district is required to have a District Level PAC. Discussion points of the PAC include, but not limited to, Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP), CCRPI/Implementation Plans, School Compacts, Budgets, Parental Involvement, etc.) Meetings are open to the public.
The MCSS Board of Education affirms and assures the right of parents and legal guardians of children served in activities funded by Title I the opportunities to participate in planning, design, and implementation of the Title I programs and its activities. A copy of the policy is available online on the system’s website at
Parents surveys are required total quality tools under Title I. Surveys are collected and compiled and the following year’s parent involvement activities are built from the responses.
Each Title I school within Meriwether County System has established a Parent Information and Resource Center. A variety of materials and resources are available to parents for use at the school for checkout or as handouts. MCSS will ensure that ALL students receive equal quality of services. Therefore, parents should feel comfortable sharing any special needs.
In November 2011, Georgia submitted a waiver request to US ED for ESEA Flexibility. The waiver request was made in order to strengthen accountability by Schools. Georgia’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver allows GA to develop and refine the next generation of accountability known as the College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI).
A NEW Assessment System Georgia Milestones: Georgia Milestones Assessment System Georgia Milestones will consist of both end of grade (EOG) and end of course (EOC) measures.
Comprehensive single program – an assessment system – not series of tests (e.g., CRCT; EOCT; WA) formative assessment tools to complement summative*
Coherent consistent expectations and rigor to position Georgia students to compete with peers nationally and internationally consistent signal about student preparedness for the next level, be it the next grade, course, or college/career consistent signal about student achievement both within system (across grades and courses) and with external measures (NAEP; PSAT; SAT; ACT)
Consolidate combine reading, language arts, and writing into a single measure to align to the standards
William Edgar Asst. Supt. for School Improvement Barbara Alston Federal Programs Director Ginger Henderson Parent Involvement Coordinator Jona Gibson Bookeeper