Subrecipient Monitoring FY14 Oklahoma State Department of Education Federal Programs Office of Titles I, II, III, VI and X
Monitoring Overview and Process What’s New - FY 2014 Monitoring Consolidation of Applicable Federal Programs Monitoring Process and District Preparation Desk or Onsite Monitoring Review Monitoring Tool Today’s Agenda
USDE requires that all LEA sub-recipients receiving federal funds participate in a monitoring process as an accountability component. Federal grant monitoring enables SEAs to work collaboratively with LEAs by providing them with high quality technical assistance for fiscal and programmatic planning and implementation of all services provided for students, teachers, and principals, on behalf of their federally funded programs. Monitoring Overview
Revised Consolidated Federal Grant Programs Monitoring Tool A three-year monitoring cycle and LEA monitoring schedule (FY14 is the second year of the new three- year cycle) What’s New for FY-2014 NEWNEW
Programs To Be Monitored Title I, Part A-Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies Title I, Part C-Migrant Education Program Title I, Part D-Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Title II, Part A-Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals Title III, Part A-Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students Title VI, Part B-REAP-Flex/RLIS Program Title X, Part C-McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program
LEAs receive a notification from OSDE, via , that contains: The Monitoring Tool A notification letter indicating whether the LEA will be Desk or Site monitored A list of LEAs to be monitored and the OSDE staff assigned to review their documents Desk/Site Monitoring
Districts will submit required monitoring tool and supportive documentation to OSDE via flash drive, by January 31, OSDE staff will review the documentation and notify the districts whether they are compliant or not- compliant with the monitoring requirements. Desk Monitoring
Districts will submit required monitoring tool and supportive documentation to OSDE via flash drive, by January 31, OSDE will confirm with the LEA the date of the site visit. OSDE will review the documentation prior to the site visit. Site Monitoring
OSDE will interview district staff and visit school sites to interview principals, parents, and other stakeholders as appropriate. The LEA will be notified of any compliance issues during the Exit Conference, which will conclude the site visit. Within 30 days, the LEA will be notified whether they are compliant or not-compliant with the monitoring requirements. Site Monitoring
Site Visit Overview Personnel requested for visit conducted at central office: Federal Program Coordinator LEA Superintendent Homeless Liaison ELL Coordinator Neglected Part A Program Coordinator Other Relevant Staff Personnel requested for visit conducted at school sites Principal or designee of selected schools Parent Involvement Coordinator Other Relevant Staff
LEAs are required to submit the monitoring tool and supportive documentation for each applicable program on a flash drive labeled with the District Name and County/District Number. Create a main folder on the flash drive, named FY2014 Consolidated Monitoring, and within this folder create individual folders for each applicable program (i.e. Overarching, Title IA, Title ID, etc.) Name each document according to how it is referred to on the Required Documentation Checklist. If the district uses more than one flash drive, number them in sequential order. The LEA must provide ALL documents listed on the Required Documentation Checklist for the applicable programs. Document Organization Instructions