Title I Updates Parent Advisory Council Meeting January 24, :00-10:30 Berkmar HS 6:30-8:00 Richards MS
July & August… Schools earned $488 per student receiving Free and Reduced Price Meals. (PPA) A full time Parent instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) was funded by a district set aside for each school School Title I Planning Teams created Budgets for their Schoolwide Plan Wish List for Carryover Funds
In September… The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) denied the PISC set aside. The $3.8 million set aside for PISCs was distributed to the schools Additional PPA of $64
The PISCs The PISC position is allowable, just not as a district set aside Schools will fund the PISCs this year from their Title I funds The required 1% Parent Involvement Set Aside will help some small schools afford the PISC this year
October & November… The GaDOE provided new guidelines for paying teachers with Title I funds We examined each school to determine which teachers were allowable and had to adjust budgets Schools held Title I Planning Meetings to share the changes
December & January Budgets are being finalized to be submitted to GaDOE Anticipated release of funds in mid- February
Carryover Funds Once budgets are approved, schools will finalize Carryover budgets Projected Carryover Funds = $145 PPA Larger PPA than usual Wish List items
Gwinnett County Title I Budget Allocation for Gwinnett County : $35,575,625 Amount to 55 Schoolwide Programs: $31,676,749 (89%) Title I School Allocations = $ 29,952,408 Includes the PISC district set aside that was redistributed to schools Flexible Learning Program (FLP) = $1,724,341
Gwinnett County Title I Budget Amount held for required set asides: $3,898,876 Private School At-Risk Students = $ 86,936 Institutions for Neglected Children = $49,154 Homeless Students = $ 87,000 Indirect Costs = $ 1,679,722 Administrative Costs = $ 1,996,064
Summer School Transportation
Flexible Learning Plans (FLPS)
Parent Involvement Surveys
Thank you!