You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it with in hi mself. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it with in.


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Presentation transcript:

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it with in hi mself. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it with in hi mself. 你不可能把一切都教给一个人, 你只能 帮助他从内心去发现 ( 和了解 ) 事物。 Read aloud 大声朗读

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. (Galileo Galilei) 你不可能把一切都教给一个 人, 你只可能帮助他从内心 去发现 ( 和了解 ) 事物。 The theory of falling objects

Unit 1 Great Scientists

Whom do you think these quotes are from and do you know what they mean? 1. Genius (天才) is one percent inspiration (灵感) and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 2. Imagination 想象力 is more important than knowledge. 3. Nothing in the world is to be feared (可 怕的). It is only to be understood.

Thomas Edison 爱迪生 an American inventor and businessman who developed many devices [d ɪˈ va ɪ s] which greatly influenced life worldwide into the twenty- first century.. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. [ ˌ p ɜ :spə ˈ re ɪʃ n 天才就是百分之九十九的 汗水加上百分之一的灵感。

Imagination is more important than knowledge. ( Einstein) 想象力比知识更重要. The Theory of Relativity

Nothing in this world is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Nothing in this world is to be feared. It is only to be understood. 生活中没有什么可怕的东西, 只有需要理 解的东西。 radium/ polonium Who discovered radium ?

1. 遗传学 2. 电 3. 浮力定理 4. 镭 5. 进化论 6. 画家 7. 蒸汽机 8. 矿工安全灯 9. 黑洞理论 10. 地动仪 SARS 11.SARS King Cholera a. 阿基米德 Archimedes b. 达尔文 Charles Darwin c. 纽科文 Thomas Newcomen d. 孟德尔 Gregor Mendel e. 居里夫人 Marie Curie f. 爱迪生 Thomas Edison g. 达芬奇 Leonardo da Vinci h. 汉弗来. 戴维爵士 Sir Humphry Davy i. 张衡 Zhang Heng g. 斯蒂芬. 霍金 Stephen Hawking try the quiz on P1. Scientist & Contributions.

What frightened you most in 2003?

SARS, a deadly infectious disease hit China.

Which person impressed you most during the SARS? Zhong Nanshan ( 钟南山 )

Did Dr. Zhong find out the cure for SARS soon after it broke out? How about John Snow? How did they prove a new idea in scientific research?

John Snow Who defeated “King cholera”( 霍乱)

Cholera : It begins in the stomach (肠胃) and a severe case can lead to death (死亡) without immediate treatment (立刻治疗). And the victims (病毒) died very quickly from a loss of liquid after severe vomiting( 呕 吐 ) and diarrhoea( 腹泻 ). [ ˌ da ɪ ə'r ɪ ə] What do you know about cholera?

John Snow defeats “King cholera”

by drinking dirty water

by dangerous air

How to prove a new idea in scientific research?

draw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results Make a question Find a problem Analyse the results Find supporting evidence ① ③ ② ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ Stages in setting out a new scientific idea: Discussing What order would you put them in? :( 发现问题 ) :( 形成研究主题 ) :( 找出研究方法 ) :( 收集材料 ) :( 分析材料 ) :( 必要时重新分析 ) :( 得出结论 )

Find a problem Think of a method Make up a question

Find a problem Think of a method Make a question Analyze the results Repeat if necessary Collect results Draw a conclusion

今天我背单词了吗? 今天我朗读(课文)了吗? 今天我复习了吗? 今天我完成作业了吗? 今天我预习了吗? 今天我阅读了吗? 今天我听录音了吗? 必须的!! 必须的!! 必须的!! 必须的!! 必须的!! 必须的!! 必须的!!

What do you know about John Snow? 1.What was he? 2.What made him inspired? 3.What did he want to do ?

1.In your own word or the original word to tell us what the two theories were about the cause of cholera? 2.Which one did John Snow want to prove? 3.Why do you think people believe that cholera multiplied in the air without reason? 4.Was the cholera outbreak terrible ?

Careful Reading: 1.What valuable clue did he get about the cause of the disease? 2.What conditions allowed cholera to develop ? 3.Do you agree the water might be the clause ?

Many of the deaths were near the water pump in Broad Street. death Part of Snow’s Cholera Map 1.What valuable clue did he get about the cause of the disease?

Careful Reading: 1. 2.What conditions allowed cholera to develop ? 3.Do you agree the water might be the clause ? It seemed that the water was to blame for cholera.

Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map? Give a reason.

No.The map helped John Snow organise his ideas. He was able to identify those households that had had many deaths and checked their water-drinking habits. He identified those houses that had had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits.The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.

What was this map used for in 1854? Finding out the cause of Cholera.

Careful Reading : What evidence did John Snow gather to convince people that idea 2 was right?

Careful Reading : 1.Why did he tell people to remove the handle from the pump? 2.What happened after the handle was removed? So that … … slowed down

Careful Reading : 1.Where did the woman live and what did she had delivered to her house every day? 2.What did their deaths suggest? 3.What measures did John Snow take to prevent the disease from spreading? Away from Broad Street Water from the pump The polluted water carried the virus..suggested that … be examined … were instructed not to expose … to …

What makes a scientist successful? Make a list of good qualities( 品质 ) you think the scientists should have. patience, persistence (毅力) passion (热情) creativity,,diligence (勤奋), discipline (纪律) … hard workintelligence curiosity creativityimagination

Everyday reading B; Everyday reading B; Dictate 10 words in reading passage and 2 sentences. Dictate 10 words in reading passage and 2 sentences. Finish the Exe.1 & 3 on P 3 and 1&2 on P4 Finish the Exe.1 & 3 on P 3 and 1&2 on P4 朋友 --- 周华健