Park View Primary School Park View Primary School
: Building Up A Student-Centric, Values-Driven Education “…in my first WPS, I announced a new phase: Student-Centric Values-Driven Education.” “…I talked about putting values and character development at the core of our education system…. values shape the character of our young and values shape the character of our society.” “…Singaporeans talk about how we must retain strong values.” “That was WPS Putting students at the centre of education has not changed for the past years. Basing education on values also has not changed. In fact, it grows from year to year.” Keynote Address by Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education, at the Ministry of Education Work Plan Seminar 2015
Towards Student-Centric, Values-Driven Education Towards Student-Centric, Values-Driven Education 21 St Century Education valuing our learners and learning values
Student Outcomes Confident Person Thinks independently Communicates effectively Has good inter-personal skills Self-directed Learner Takes responsibility for own learning Questions, reflects, perseveres Uses technology adeptly Concerned Citizen Is informed about world and local affairs Empathises with and respects others Participates actively Active Contributor Exercises initiative and takes risks Is adaptable, innovative, resilient Aims for high standards Strong Fundamentals, Future Learnings
A knowledge playground where personalized learning is experienced and friendships developed.
School Mission To nurture our pupils into resilient, innovative and enterprising learners to be the pride of the nation.
Every Child Matters Every Child Matters School Philosophy
School Shared Values R espect for ALL I ntegrity our Core S ynergy for Success C ourage to Explore C ommitment to Excellence RISCRISCRISCRISC 2
Key AspectsBroad InterpretationDesired Pupil Outcomes Vision A.Knowledge Playground Acquisition of 21st Century skills Interactive learning environment which is safe and conducive Holistic and engaging educational experience for pupils Enjoyment through learning and exploration A1. Creative and critical thinkers A2. Curious and engaged problem-solvers A3. Self-directed individuals A.Personalised Learning Experienced Ability-driven education for maximising pupils’ learning Holistic development and assessment Focus on experiential learning B1. Confident and passionate learners A.Friendships Developed Equipping of social-emotional skills with empowerment to apply to self and others Embracing of diversity in terms of background, ethnicity, religion and nationality C1. Collaborative and effective communicators C2. Gracious and caring partners
Key AspectsBroad InterpretationDesired Pupil Outcomes Mission A.Resilient, Innovative and Enterprising Learners Perseverance to pick oneself up in face of challenges Development of mental and physical tenacity Mindset for continuous learning and excellence Courage to take risks and experiment D1. Resourceful and determined persons D2. Innovative risk-takers A.Pride of Our Nation Rootedness to Singapore Awareness of issues within and beyond Singapore Sound character with responsibility to family, school and community E1. Loyal and culture-savvy citizens E2. Active contributors E3. Leaders in their respective fields
Annual School Camps P4 – Camp Odyssey P5 – Camp Valor P6 – P6 Overseas Camp P6 Local Camp
Annual School Camps Instill Values and Develop Character Develop Social Emotional Competencies Develop Teamwork and Bonding Develop interest in the outdoors and Outdoor Adventure Overcome Problems & Challenges
Thank you Q & A
Breakout Sessions P4 – AVA (Mr Choo & Miss Loh) P5 – 6D Classroom (Mr Azmi) P6 – 6E Classroom (Mr Riza & Mr Suhairy)