Optimisation ARODG Seminars Glasgow & London February 2007
Content Outline of concept What Does Optimisation Address Optimisation Issues Possible options Process Going Forward
Optimisation - Concept Maximise use of GB Transmission System Facilitate Competition Due regard to potential increased constraint costs Economic coordinated GB Transmission System Solution within existing framework
Optimisation Addresses Resolving referred Offers Confirmation of contracted background Review of required reinforcements Delaying works for consents (where relevant) Scheduling of works Backfilling any spaces Moving Users forward Moving Users backwards
Optimisation Issues User Consent mismatch with contract Increase in small generation GB System Demand lower than Scottish Peak demand Lack of space ahead of reinforcements Limited Users withdrawing/reducing Users uncertain over potential to move forward 2016 Offers Optimum method to move users onto different works NGET Licence Condition C8 “back of queue” uncertainty Limited market information published Uncertainty over TEC trading, capacity delaying
Optimisation Options Restricting Users moving backwards No limit Within backstop date 6 months Moving Users Forward Managed based approach (sequential allocation) Market based approach (willingness to pay) Limiting changes to amount consented (or applied for) Removing TEC/Capacity if not meeting milestones More information published
Optimisation – Going forward Open Letter – February Review Code/Framework implications Discussions with Authority Responses Seminar – March Earliest spaces identified - May