SIR ISAAC NEWTON By Sophie Head, Badger Class
SIR ISAAC NEWTON Sir Isaac Newton was born in England in He was born prematurely, tiny and weak and not expected to live. His father was a farmer and died 3 months before Isaac was born. His grandmother raised him from the age of 3. When Isaac was 18 he went to Cambridge University and studied mathematics, physics and astronomy.
THE PRINCIPIA In 1687 Sir Isaac Newton published his most important work. This work described the 3 laws of motion as well as universal gravity.
LAWS OF MOTION Isaac Newton developed 3 laws of motion
2 ND LAW The force of an object comes from its mass and its acceleration.
3 RD LAW For every force acting on an object, there is an equal force acting in the opposite direction.
GRAVITY Legend says that Sir Isaac Newton got his inspiration for Gravity when he saw an apple fall from a tree at home. Gravity is an important force. It keeps us on the floor, without gravity we would be floating around. Gravity is like a magnet because it pulls things down. Gravity is a force of attraction.
SUMMARY Sir Isaac Newton was a famous scientist and mathematician He was born and lived in England In 1687 he published “The Principia” containing concepts and theories of motion and gravity. The theory of gravity was inspired from watching an apple fall from a tree.