A fun, new reading software for students in Grades 1 through 6 Will be used twice a week for approximately 30 minutes
Help you to read better!
Practice “fluency”, which means you will practice reading more quickly and easily
You will learn new vocabulary and improve comprehension. What is vocabulary? What is comprehension?
It will be fun!
Verify your headphone number Remove headphones from plastic bag Place the end of headphone (USB) into rear left USB port of computer Place plastic bag under keyboard for safe keeping
Place headphones over your head with the boom on the left side and adjust to fit Lower the boom until it reaches the corner of your mouth (NEVER BEND THE BOOM) Immediately report any damage or problems – YOU are responsible to care for school equipment
When done, raise the boom straight up Remove the headphones from the head Unplug the USB from the computer (DO NOT pull the wiring) Wipe down the headphone ear pieces and mic with a wipe (used wipe goes in garbage) Place headphones in plastic bag and lay to the right of the keyboard for collection
Pencil or pen Student Checklist (not needed for test) Headphones with mic Your student number and password to log on the computer Your student number and Reading Assistant password to log into
You will need to complete a multiple-choice reading assessment based on your grade level The test will determine your level on Reading Assistant—Those who read well will be placed on a higher level than those who struggle (so it won’t be too easy or too hard for anyone)
Go to Click on STUDENT LOGIN
CLICK the LOG IN in the left box (mySciLEARN)
If asked for SCHOOL or DISTRICT, type “wood” or “woodland” in the box Click “WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT” from the pull-down menu WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT will appear in box – Click CONTINUE
Type in your 5-digit student number for USERNAME Type in the password given to you by your teacher for the PASSWORD Click LOG IN
Check for correct name (click THAT’S NOT ME if not your account) Click START at bottom left on screen to begin
Wait for test to load (need headphones – no audio for test) Click START at bottom left to begin
Click on GREEN AUDIO CIRCLE to listen to question and answers Click EXIT at bottom right to quit (either done or time is up) for work to save
Click LOGOUT button at top right to log out Your teacher will assign Reading Assistant for next lab time