Low Crop Prices led to debt Deflation- not a lot of money available Led to high interest rates and banks would not loan money to farmers
Bi-Metalism- switch to a gold/silver standard Increase money supply and allow banks more opportunity to give loans
Railroads overcharged farmers to store and ship crops= more debt Railroads gave industrialists rebates and reduce charges
Government Control Railroads and Telegraphs- keep prices fair and fixed Interstate Commerce Act- railroads must publish rates (ICC- govt. agency in control)
State legislatures appoint Senators Industry and wealthy able to control government and appointments Senate referred to as the “rich man’s club”
Direct Election of Senators- people elect Senators Lead to 17 th Amendment
Extreme income gap between rich and poor Farmers and factory workers in debt and facing financial problems
Graduated Income Tax Income tax= tax on earnings Graduated Income Tax- wealthy pay more (tax based on how much you earn)
Politicians overly influenced by wealthy business owners Credit Mobilier Scandal- Railroad owners bribe government officials for loans and money that was stolen and not used for railroad President Grant’s Administration involved
One Term President- presidents only serve one term (4 years) 22 nd Amendment- limited President to 2 terms Initiative- people propose bills Referendum- people vote on and pass bills
Workers Low Pay Long Hours Dangerous Conditions Triangle Shirtwaist Fire 1911 146 sweatshop women killed due to unsafe conditions
8 hour workday for workers Minimum Wage Laws will eventually be passed State government’s begin to pass laws that require safer working conditions
William Jennings Bryant nominated by Democratic and Populist Party -Cross of Gold Speech – supports the “free coinage of silver” (silverites) William McKinley nominated by Republicans - supports America remaining on the gold standards (goldbugs) McKinley wins the election and the Populist Party dies out, but its reform ideas are adopted by Republicans and Democrats during the Progressive Era (1890 – 1920)