AFTER CIVIL WAR Prices fall Prices fall Farmers in bad $$$ shape Farmers in bad $$$ shape Money supply cut back Money supply cut back Therefore $$$ is worth more…. “Deflation” Therefore $$$ is worth more…. “Deflation”
Farmers Want: increased money supply increased money supply unlimited coinage of silver unlimited coinage of silver
The Grange Org. 1867Org Provide social outlet & educational forum for isolated farmersProvide social outlet & educational forum for isolated farmers By 1870’s …began fighting RRsBy 1870’s …began fighting RRs
GRANGE IS REPLACED BY ALLIANCES NorthernNorthern Southern (largest)Southern (largest) ColoredColored
Support state laws limiting foreclosing of mortgages restrict unfair RR practices form Nat'l. People's Party in 1891 The Alliances
Most Populists were farmers Most Populists were farmers Leaders were lawyers & other professionals Leaders were lawyers & other professionals Populist Party
Populists attempt to represent labor also Populists attempt to represent labor also
consisted of 3 parts consisted of 3 parts Populist Party Platform
FINANCIALFINANCIAL 1. Currency inflation 1. Currency inflation 2. graduated federal income tax 2. graduated federal income tax 3. estab. of postal savings bank 3. estab. of postal savings bank 4. estab. federal loan program 4. estab. federal loan program
TRANSPORTATION 1. Gov't. own & operate RailRoads 1. Gov't. own & operate RailRoads
2. Gov’t. take over telephone & telegraph & telegraph
GOV'T. REFORMS 1. Direct election of U.S. Senators 1. Direct election of U.S. Senators 2. Single Term for President 2. Single Term for President 3. Secret Ballot to end Voter Fraud 3. Secret Ballot to end Voter Fraud
GOV'T. REFORMS (continued) 4. Initiative 4. Initiative 5. Recall 5. Recall 6. Referendum 6. Referendum
8 hr. work day 8 hr. work day restrictions on immigration restrictions on immigration oppose subsidies to private corporations oppose subsidies to private corporations Populists Want:
Populists are very successful at the polls in 1892 and 1894 Populists are very successful at the polls in 1892 and 1894