Independent Component Analysis Independent Component Analysis
Background Hands-free speech recognition system Target Speech Microphone Speech recognition system ? Interference Interference is also observed at microphone. Speech recognition performance significantly degrades. Is it fine tomorrow?
Goal Microphone array Receiver which consists of multiple elements To enhance target speech or reduce interference Problem of microphone array processing A priori information is required. Directions of arrival of the sound sources Breaks of target speech for filter adaptation Background (Cont’d) Realization of high quality hands-free speech interface system
ICA Blind Signal Separation (BSS) or Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is the identification & separation of mixtures of sources with little prior information. Applications include: –Audio Processing –Medical data –Finance –Array processing (beamforming) –Coding … and most applications where Factor Analysis and PCA is currently used. While PCA seeks directions that represents data best in a Σ|x 0 - x| 2 sense, ICA seeks such directions that are most independent from each other. We will concentrate on Time Series separation of Multiple Targets
Approach taken to estimate source signals only from the observed mixed signals. Any information about source directions and acoustic conditions is not required. Independent component Analysis (ICA) is mainly used. Previous works on ICA J. Cardoso, 1989 C. Jutten, 1990 (Higher-order decorrelation) P. Common, 1994 (define the term “ICA”) A. Bell et al., 1995 (infomax) Blind Source Separation (BSS)
Microphone2 Microphone1 MutuallyIndependent Known ICA-Based BSS Speaker2 Speaker1 Good Morning! Hello! Observed signal1 Observed signal2 Source2 Source1 To estimate source signals No a priori information (unsupervised adaptive filtering)
BSS for Instantaneous mixture Linearly Mixing Process Mixing Matrix Source Observed Separation Process Separated Unmixing Matrix Independent? Cost Function Optimize
Mathematical Formulation s(k)= (s 1 (k),…,s n (k)) T : the vector of n-source signals; x(k)= (x 1 (k),…,x m (k)) T : the vector of m-sensor signals; v (k): the vector of sensor noises. A is the mixing matrix. s(k) x(k)
y(k)= (y 1 (k),…,y m (k)) T : the vector of recovered signals W is the demixing matrix. y(k)=W x(k) Demixing Model Problem: to estimate the source signals (or event-related potentials) by using the sensor signals
Definition Kurtosis is more commonly defined as the fourth cumulant divided by the square of the second cumulant, which is equal to the fourth moment around the mean divided by the square of the variance of the probability distribution minus 3,cumulantvariance which is also known as excess kurtosis. The "minus 3" at the end of this formula is often explained as a correction to make the kurtosis of the normal distribution equal to zero. More generally, if X 1,..., X n are independent random variables all having the same variance, then whereas this identity would not hold if the definition did not include the subtraction of 3.
Various Criterion for ICA Decorrelation –To minimize correlation among signals in multiple time durations Nonlinear function 1 –To minimize higher-order correlation Nonlinear function 2 –To assume p.d.f of sources Separated Signal : Sigmoid function
Cost Function for Nonlinear Function 2 Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between and 1. Joint Entropy of 2. Sum of marginal entropy of ・ Minimized when are mutually independent
Derivation for Nonlinear Function 2 Nonlinear Function 2 ⇒ To be diagonalized where This can be approximated by Sigmoid Function in speech signal. To update along the negative gradient of
Measures of Non-Gaussianity Kurtotis : gauss=0(sensitive to outliers) Entropy : gauss=largest Neg-entropy : gauss = 0 Approximations where v is a standard gaussian random variable and :
Data Centering & Whitening Centering x = x ‘ – E { x ‘} –But this doesn‘t mean that ICA cannt estimate the mean, but it just simplifies the Alg. –IC‘s are also zero mean because of: E{ s } = W E { x } –After ICA, add W. E { x ‘} to zero mean IC‘s Whitening –We transform the x’s linearly so that the x ~ are white. Its done by EVD. x ~ = (ED -1/2 E T )x = ED -1/2 E T Ax = A ~ s where E {xx ~ } = EDE T So we have to Estimate Orthonormal Matrix A ~ –An orthonormal matrix has n(n-1)/2 degrees of freedom. So for large dim A we have to est only half as much parameters. This greatly simplifies ICA. Reducing dim of data (choosing dominant Eig) while doing whitening also help.
Noisy ICA Model x = As + n A... mxn mixing matrix s... n-dimensional vector of IC‘s n... m-dimensional random noise vector Same assumptions as for noise-free model, if we use measures of nongaussianity which are immune to gaussian noise. So gaussian moments are used as contrast functions. i.e. however, in pre-whitening the effect of noise must be taken in to account: x ~ = ( E{xx T } - Σ) -1/2 x x ~ = Bs + n ~.