RDR Linac Definition Tasked Cryomodule & Cryogenics Groups with defining cryomodule length and cryoplant layout First pass generated at Jan CERN meeting Tasked RF Group to work with Civil Group to define the size/layout of support tunnel Have some preliminary sketches Tasked Magnet group with specifying the linac quad and corrector package Reviewing issues, TDR design and CIEMAT prototype Created stand-alone corrector designs
RDR Linac Definition (Cont) Will task LET Group with resolving beam dynamics related issues at Feb 8-11 CERN meeting Work with Instrumentation Group to define diagnostics List of instruments and issues generated at Jan 17 FNAL meeting Optics for special regions to be defined at SLAC Discussing implications of MPS and availability requirements with Himel et al.
Slides from Talks by Don Mitchell, Tom Peterson and Others at Jan16-17 CERN Cryomodule Meeting Don Mitchell, 16 JAN 2006
TTF III+ Cryomodule Courtesy of DESY
ILC Cryo Design Considerations Move quad package to middle of cryomodule to achieve better support and alignment. Shorten cavity-to-cavity interconnect and simplify for ease of fabrication and cost reduction. Possible superconducting joint. Overall improved packing factor. Simplify the assembly procedure. MLI redesign to reduce hands-on labor costs. More robust design to survive shipping. Reliability of tuner motors in cold operation. Etc. (we’ve heard many suggestions)
Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Review 2-phase pipe size and effect of slope
Assumes use of XFEL Main Coupler Graphics from Terry Garvey
Proposed Cavity w/ Bladetuner
Cavity Dimensions
Existing Desy Interconnect Design Flange/Bellows Design Specs: Bolted flange (12 bolts/flange) Convoluted SS Bellows (10 waves, 54mm free length, ±25mm) -Length of bellows dictated by bolt length, old elastic parameters Bellows elastic requirements: ±4mm (~1mm thermal + ~3mm tuning) Aluminum Alloy 5052-H32 Diamond Hex Seal 7 Ton (~15,000 lbs) clamping force, 35 N-m torque/bolt Mechanical analysis Desy, INFN (Cornelius Martens, Roberto Paulon) 344 Interconnect: Tesla TDR: 283mm Currently 344mm
BPM / Quad / Corrector Package 887 TDR QUAD Correctors BPM ILC Preliminary BPM QUAD and Correctors
Shell Type ILC Dipole Corrector Magnet Parameters Integrated field 0.02 T-m Center field 0.2 T Winding ampere-turns 18kA Current 90 A Superconductor NbTi SC diameter 0.5 mm Outer diameter 140 mm Magnet length ~ 200 mm Flux density and flux lines at max current in both dipole coils Field homogeneity at max current in both dipole coils (+/- 1% at R< 30mm) Advantages: Compact radial dimensions Effective winding Low fringing fields in radial directions Disadvantages: Long coil ends ~ 50 mm Very short strait coil part Long end fields +50mm/end Complicated winding Vladimir Kashikhin, Fermilab
Window-Frame Type ILC Dipole Corrector Magnet Parameters Integrated field 0.02 T-m Center field 0.2 T Winding ampere-turns 18 kA Current 90 A Superconductor NbTi SC diameter 0.5 mm Shield outer diameter 320 mm Magnet length ~ 150 mm Flux density and flux lines at max current in both dipole coils Field homogeneity at max current in both dipole coils (+/- 1% at R< 30mm) Advantages: Compact longitudinal dimensions Simple coil and yoke manufacturing, assembly Short coil ends Good integrated field quality Good SC coil stability Disadvantages: Radial ferromagnetic shield Thicker iron yoke Vladimir Kashikhin, Fermilab
Alternate Quad Cryo-section 1530 mm
Pros and Cons to a separate quad/BPM cryostat Pros Easier to accommodate different magnet packages, upgrades, etc. Easier to make independent adjustments to the quad/BPM position Allows for a common cryomodule design Allows independent cold testing and measurement of the magnet package Schedule, resources, and fabrication facilities not tied to mainstream cryomodule production Mechanically more stable especially with respect to vibration Precludes the need for independent quad movers inside the cryomodule Cons One extra interconnect required at each quad location Potentially requires more longitudinal space required in the lattice Interconnect forces due to bellows could affect quad alignment
Region between Cryomodules Assume 850 mm Flange-to-Flange length (TTF) – Includes 270 mm Broadband HOM absorber Gate Valves Pompous Ports Needs to be better defined
Excel usage integrates engineering calculations into the 3-D CAD process! Automatically adjusts for thermal contraction and component lengths
Some critical open design issues Quad/corrector/BPM package is a major unknown right now and goes into the heart of the module. Tuner details, slow and fast, but especially fast tuner Cavity-to-cavity interconnect design. Vibrational analysis, which will be compared to measurements for verification of the model for future design work. Magnetic shield re-design. Development of module and module component tests. Verification of cavity positional stability with thermal cycles. Design of test instrumentation for the module. Robustness for shipping, analysis of shipping restraints and loads, shipping specifications. Active quad movers(?) A complication
ILC cryogenic system much larger than TESLA 500 8 cryogenic plant locations Approximately 5 km spacing Each location with 2 cryogenic plants of about the maximum size -- each plant equivalent to about 24 kW at 4.5 K Each plant about 6 MW “wall plug” power ILC cryogenics about 50 MW total
Segmentation concept A box of slot length equal to one module Can pass through cryogens or act as “turnaround” box from either side Does not pass through 2-phase flow, so must act as a supply and/or end of a cryogenic string Includes vacuum break for insulating vacuum Includes fast-acting isolation valve for beam vac May contain bayonet/U-tube connections between upstream and downstream for positive isolation May also want external transfer line for 4 K “standby” operation (4 K only, no pumping line)