Credentialing Review of Annual Service Reports Ministerial Development
Examining and recommending to the District Conference all candidates for ordination, license, commission, ministerial study, restoration, or transfer from another denomination
Verify and approve appropriate reporting from all under appointment, and identify reports that require follow-up from the district because of unsatisfactory or other answers
Providing opportunities for personal and professional growth including individual and group interviews, assessments, growth contracts, counseling, seminars and workshops, etc., in cooperation with DS and DBA.
Grace Gifts Fruits Abiding Sense of God’s Call
Humble understanding and awareness of self Fear of the power of sin, but trusting in Christ Victorious testimony of salvation Evidence of God’s sanctifying work Exhibits fruit of the Spirit Worthy example for the church and the world
Thinks clearly Communicates effectively Teaches persuasively Relates to people lovingly Leads winsomely
Have others been truly convicted of sin and converted through his/her ministry? Have believers been edified? Is he/she making Christ-followers? Do others in the body give testimony of his/her fruitfulness?
Testifies to a conviction that he/she has been chosen by God Continuing and increasing conviction Called to the specialized vocation of minister To interpret and communicate God’s Word: to hear from God and speak for God
1.Cross cultural issues—language barriers 2.Loss of ministers/attrition 3.Candidate assessment/screening 4.Credentialing + development approach
5.Moral health/purity 6.Burnout 7.Other clergy health issues 8. Doctrinal orthodoxy
9.Continuing ed. – what is needed? 10.Cultural shifts – the generation 11.Sabbaticals/mini-sabbaticals Other ____________