Grab a notes sheet and a highlighter as you come in and begin writing down the Learning Target ! Learning Target: I can identify the key ideas of Judaism and Christianity. 1. Daily Guided Notes/Videos 3. Christianity Handout 4. Summarizer
+ Judaism
+ WHERE? Canaan was the ancient home of the Hebrews It was the land God had promised to the Hebrew people
+ Abraham “Father” of the Hebrew people Chosen by God Lived in Mesopotamia God commanded him to move his people to Canaan
+ Monotheism and Yahweh Monotheism- belief in a single god Yahweh- the name of the Hebrews’ God They said he was the one and only God He was not a physical being
+ Covenant AKA: a promise Abraham promised to obey Yahweh AND Yahweh promised to protect Abraham and his descendants
+ TURN AND TALK 1. Who made the first covenant with God? 2. What did it say?
+ Moses Hebrews migrated to Egypt because of a drought They were forced into slavery MOSES- the man who led the Hebrews out of slavery Called the Exodus
+ The Ten Commandments Mount Sinai Moses came down & had two stone tablets The SECOND Covenant God promised to protect the Hebrews They promised to keep his commandments
+ TURN AND TALK 1. Who led the Hebrews out of slavery? 2. What was the second covenant?
+ Holy Book Torah Talmud
+ Israel Created in 1948 as a homeland for Jews after WWII
+ Grab a notes sheet and a highlighter as you come in and begin writing down the Learning Target ! Learning Target: I can identify the key ideas of Judaism and Christianity. 1. Daily Christianity Handout 3. Guided Notes/Videos 4. Summarizer
+ Review Judaism WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? EXODUS movie trailermovie trailer
Christianity started out as a movement within what religion? Judaism
Followers Worldwide 2.1 billion
Name of Deity God
Founder Jesus
Holy Book Christian Bible
Leadership Priests Ministers Monks Nuns Pope
Basic Beliefs There is only one God God wants a personal relationship with everyone Jesus Christ is the son of God who died to save people from sin His death made eternal life possible
Monotheistic Review Video & Activity Comparison Chart Activity: THIS IS A GRADE