Intelligence Persona Dashboard Project Cognos Business Intelligence Department Manager Dashboard and Actionable Analytics August 2015 Intelligence Persona Dashboard Project Marsha Calfee April 29, 2015
What’s being delivered? DEPARTMENT MANAGER EXPENSE MANAGEMENT FINANCE MANAGEMENT TRAVEL MANAGEMENT VENDOR MANAGEMENT SECURITY, LEGAL & TAX The first in a series of persona dashboards focused on: Providing quick and easy access to relevant data that focuses on the business issues most relevant to the persona Quickly telling a story about the data Providing visual indicators when further exploration may be called for Educating the user about how a metric is calculated, the importance of the metric and possible actions that can be taken to effect change Talk Track Many Personas within organization can find value in data but each one has different needs. You can literally help empower the entire company. By knowing your audience you can have more effective and meaningful conversations. The Department Manager dashboard is targeted to the manager who has T&E responsibility for a group of employees. Only data for the manager’s direct reports will be displayed on that dashboard. All the other dashboards are more global in nature in terms of the data that is dis played on the dashboard.
Coupled with Actionable Analytics (delivered in April 2015) Helps the persona proactively close the loop on insights through action Provides quick access to important data to the user via email Manager Dashboard Budget Threshold Alert with Future Trips information Credit Card Transaction Alert (identify potential fraud as it happens)
Target Audience Managers and above responsible for a T&E budget Set up as a BI Manager in Cognos T&E budget entered in profile Silverfox notes Add image of business person
The Deliverables
Accessing the dashboard for users that are BOTH a named Cognos user and BI Manager Login Description If you are a BI Manager (someone who approves expense reports) AND a named Cognos user (have ability to see data based on a reporting hierarchy, i.e. global, country, division, region, etc.), you have the option to log into Cognos as either a BI Manager or as a regular named user. When you access Reporting, the drop down menu appears as shown above Intelligence When you login using “Intelligence,” the data you’ll see is based on your Reporting Hierarchy which may or may not include your direct reports. Logging in with the Intelligence login when you are both a BI Manager and a named user, the spend vs. budget data displayed does not necessarily correlate to the budget you MAY have responsibility for your reporting hierarchy. Intelligence – BI Manager When you login using “Intelligence – BI Manager,” the data displayed in reports is ONLY the data for your direct reports.
Accessing the dashboard for a BI Manager As a BI Manager, when you log into Intelligence, you’ll choose the “Intelligence” option under the Reporting menu.
Accessing the dashboard Look for Persona Dashboards in the Public Folders/Standard Reports. Once in the Persona Dashboards folder, click on Department Manager Overview To view the dashboard, click on Dashboard – Department Manager Overview 1 2 3 You can run the drill reports from the dashboard, but if you want to run them separately, click on the Detail Reports folder to access each report. 4
Department Manager – Spend Tab Visual indicators suggest areas for further exploration Tool tips show how metric is calculated..
Department Manager – Expense Reports Tab Drill report icon displays list of primary drill report and existing related reports – all hyperlinked for immediate access to the report. Hover over graph for details on data point
Budget/Spend Displays No money spent. The entire height of the bar represents the budget amount. Some spent. The entire height of the bar represents the budget amount; the blue portion represents the spent amount, and the gray the amount available. All spent exactly. The entire height represents the budget amount and the blue the amount spent. Overbudget. The entire height of the bar represents the budget amount and the red indicates the budgeted amount has been spent, plus some.
Tool Tips Click on the Learn More hyperlink to access the detailed Tool Tip PDF
Tool Tips The Tool Tip Document provides information about: What questions does this report answer? How is the metric calculated? How can I use this information to affect change?
Drill Reports Reports Delivered in August Tab Report Name Spend Current Quarter Spend Details Future Trips Details Employee Spend Details Expense Unsubmitted Transactions Details Reports Pending Approval Details Reports Delivered in September Tab Report Name Spend Spend Overview Details Expense Top 10 Policy Exceptions by Employee Details Average Spend Details Company Card Adoption Details Average Life Cycle Details
Actionable Manager Dashboard 36,000 Why Monitor key performance metrics related to T&E, quarterly budget 36,000 Who Budget owners BI managers Benefits “Set it and forget it” Context, details to make better decisions Recurring email report
Actionable Manager Dashboard
Actionable Alert – Budget Threshold Budget Alerts 36,000 Why Provides alerts and details against budget threshold 36,000 Who Budget owners BI managers Benefits One-time or recurring notifications Identifies trips that may impact budget
Actionable Alert – Corporate Card Threshold Corporate Card Alert Why Monitors high-dollar corporate card spend to prevent fraud and policy violations Department Stores Shoe Stores Taxi Who Budget owners BI managers Fraud alert story Benefits Near real-time information as transactions import to CT&E Vendor, amount, and employee clearly identified
Next Steps Decide who will have access to the dashboard Make sure intended users are set up as a BI Manager Turn on Actionable Analytics Communicate to the dashboard users about the dashboard & Actionable Analytics Provide managers with instructions on configuring their profiles with budget, thresholds, alerts and notifications preferences.
Available Tools HTML Email Template PPT for Administrators PPT for End Users FAQ Release Notes Cognos Standard Catalog of Reports
Administrator Configurations
Step 1 for Admin – Manager Dashboard Configuration Log in as the Administrator and do set up in Expense Admin/Reporting Configurations/Actionable Analytics Set-up. The BI Manager still has to opt in to receiving this alert even after the Administrator turns on this feature.
Step 2 for Admin – Percent of Budget Alert Configuration
Step 3 for Admin – Credit Card Alert Configuration
End-User Configurations
Step 1 for Manager – Log in Log in to Concur CT&E and go to Profile/Profile Settings
Step 2 for Manager – Manager Dashboard
Step 3 for Manager – Budget Configuration
Step 4 for Manager – Budget Threshold
Step 5 for Manager – Credit Card Transaction Amount
You’re ready… go ahead and DIVE IN!