1 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Interpret solid transfer system theories in a process plant
2 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Interpret solid transfer system theories in a process plant TE207Solid transfer system construction and design TE207Solid transfer system protection systems TE207Solid transfer system operating principles Notional Hours P&P2CR Construction & design P&P2CR Operating principles Modules Topics Total Notional Hours P&P2CR Safety and protection
3 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: 10522Interpret solid transfer system theories in a process plant TE207 Solid transfer system construction and design Understand the basic design and operating principles of conveyor systems as well as the construction of a full range of conveyor components Understand the terminology associated with solid transfer system theories and the different solid transfer systems used Be able to calculate the parameters required for a new conveyor, bucket conveyor and pneumatic transportation system Understand the basic design and operating principles of bucket conveyor systems Understand the basic design and operating principles of pneumatic transportation systems
4 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Topic Specification: TE207 Solid Transfer System Construction and Design Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Field visits Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Examples Case studies Use checklists Do calculations Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand the terminology associated with solid transfer system theories and the different transfer systems used. Understand the basic design and operating principles of conveyor systems, bucket conveyor systems and pneumatic transportation systems. Are able to calculate the parameters required for a new conveyor, bucket conveyor and pneumatic transportation system. Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW 1. Learners are informed about: the terminology associated with solid transfer system theories. the basic design and operating principles of conveyer systems as well as solid transfer systems used. 2.Learners get a number of case studies for which they calculate the parameters for a new conveyor, bucket conveyor and pneumatic transportation system. 3.Sketches are added to the calculations and included in a short report Notional Hours 6 Attend a short lecture where the technical concepts and theories related to solid transfer principles employed in the process plant environment will be explained. Study basic material on this subject. Complete a test/questionnaire
5 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: 10522Interpret solid transfer system theories in a process plant TE207 Solid transfer system operating principles Understand the sequence and reason for every pre-check, start-up and shut-down procedure Understand the reasons for having pre-check-, start-up- and shutdown procedures Be able to do pre-checks, start the process up and shut the process down Understand the different belt loading methods and loading measurement principles Be able to monitor belt loading through measurement methods and determine correct loading
6 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Topic Specification: TE207 Solid Transfer System Operating Principles Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Field visits Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Educational games Case studies Use checklists Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Complete a test/questionnaire Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand the reasons for having pre- check, start-up and shut-down procedures, as well as the sequence of these procedures. Are able to do pre-checks, and start-up and shut-down the process. Understand the different belt-loading methods and loading measurement principles. Are able to monitor belt loading through measurement methods and determine correct loading. Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW 1. Obtain the pre-check-, start-up and shutdown procedures and list the reasons for having such procedures. 2. Discuss the procedures with a workshop specialist. 3. Under supervision, do the pre-checks, and start-up and shut-down the process. 4. Monitor belt loading through measurement methods and determine correct loading. Notional Hours 8 A group or individual exercise to interview a workshop specialist regarding solid transfer systems.
7 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: 10522Interpret solid transfer system theories in a process plant TE207 Solid transfer system protection systems Be able to identify and react correctly to abnormal solid transfer system conditions Understand the different solid transfer protection and safety systems used Be able to identify and react correctly to unsafe solid transfer system conditions
8 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 2 Topic Specification: TE207 Solid Transfer System Deficiencies Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Field visits Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Educational games Case studies List / tabulate Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Complete a test/questionnaire Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand the different solid transfer protection and safety systems. Are able to identify and react correctly to abnormal and/or unsafe solid transfer conditions. Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Safety aspects of various solid transfer systems are viewed in the plant. In a discussion with the workshop specialist in the plant, determine what solid transfer protection and safety systems are used. Discuss the interviews and consolidate the information in a table. Learners identify and react correctly to simulated abnormal and /or unsafe solid transfer conditions. Notional Hours 6 Plant safety conditions are A group or individual exercise to interview a workshop specialist regarding unsafe and abnormal solid transfer system conditions.