Change a Light, Change the World 2007 CFL Markdown Promotion
2 Objective To achieve residential sector energy savings, quickly and easily To offer utilities an opportunity to participate To encourage consumers to buy and install high- quality, ENERGY STAR specialty CFLs To provide low promotional pricing through big box retailers who already stock these products To raise market penetration of specialty & standard CFLs
3 Approach CFL markdown promotion on existing stock Goal is 50 percent specialty bulbs and 50 percent twister CFLs Twisters included to boost savings Utilities may claim credits or reimbursements through CRC or CAA by covering costs for sales in their service territory - $2.50 plus BPA admin BPA covers costs and claims savings in remaining territory
4 Retail 258 participating stores in BPA’s service territory: –COSTCO (43) –HOME DEPOT (71) –LOWES (47) –WALMART (97) Limited field support for POP & product verification Retail coordination through PECI office Customized POP for participating utilities
5 Products StoreManuf.Lamp TypeWattsPackReg. Price/packNew Price/packPrice/CFL CostcoPhilipsSPIRAL234 $ 7.99 $ 2.99 $ 0.75 CostcoFeitR30 High Heat154 $ $ 2.99 $ 0.75 CostcoFeit6 SPIRAL, 1 R30 HH13, 23, 16R7$ 14.99pk $ 5.25 $ 0.75 Home DepotTCPSPIRAL192 $ 7.97 $ 5.47 $ 2.74 Home DepotTCPSPIRAL232 $ 7.97 $ 5.47 $ 2.74 Home DepotTCPSPIRAL234 $ 9.97 $ 4.97 $ 1.24 Home DepotTCPSPIRAL421 $ 9.97 $ 8.72 Home DepotTCPG2591 $ 5.97 $ 4.22 Home DepotTCPG25141 $ 5.97 $ 4.22 Home DepotPhilipsPAR38 High Heat201 $ $ 9.74 Lowe'sFeitR30 High Heat152 $ $ 8.98 $ 4.49 Lowe'sFeitSPIRAL184 $ 9.98 $ 4.98 $ 1.25 Lowe'sFeitSPIRAL234$ 9.98 $ 4.98 $ 1.25 Wal-MartGESPIRAL261 $ 4.50 $ 3.25 Wal-MartPhilipsG25123 $ $ 8.19 $ 2.73
6 Utility Participation All regional electric utilities may participate Utilities can claim $2.50 plus BPA admin Can request estimated sales prior to committing to participate Contract to participate with PECI Will receive a sales report by store for your territory Utilities will be invoiced monthly for sales
7 Utility Cost per Lamp SpiralGlobeHH Reflector Markdown$1.25$1.75$2.25 PECI Admin$0.25 Total Cost$1.50$2.00$2.50
8 Regional Estimated Sales Total Projected CFLs Total Markdown Quantity Twisters Quantity Specialty 1,000,875$1,745,580465,522535,353
9 Measuring Results Achieve target savings goal Number of utilities participating Ease to participate Level of sales for specialty bulbs Consistent product supply
10 For questions or to sign up, contact: Teri Duncan