Jim Greenwood, Richard Matear, Chaojiao Sun, Liejun Zhong, James McLaughlin May 2013 CSIRO MARINE AND ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH / WEALTH FROM OCEANS Impact.


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Jim Greenwood, Richard Matear, Chaojiao Sun, Liejun Zhong, James McLaughlin May 2013 CSIRO MARINE AND ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH / WEALTH FROM OCEANS Impact of sub-mesoscale upwelling on phytoplankton production along an oligotrophic boundary current

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 2

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 3 Eddy kinetic energy Latitude Longitude Australia

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 4 SeaWiFS image High productivity of anti-cyclonic eddies Western Australia Chl a (mg/m3) Greenwood et al DSR II 54 Dietze et al DSR I 56

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 5 m/day α Vertical velocity at 150 m Chl a m/day Paterson et al JGR 113

Productivity “hot-spots” Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 6 High productivity at eddy perimeters Lourey et al Mar Biol. 160 Sea surface height (m)

Questions: What is the extent of vertical motions? How do they contribute to the overall productivity of the region? Can they explain the patchy productivity results? Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 7

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 8 Regional model (2 km resolution) model climatology Temperature (degrees C) Satellite SST Model SST

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 9 Regional model (2 km resolution) Initial tracer condition % tracer in upper 100 m after 10 days

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 10 Regional model (2 km resolution) example of daily mean vertical velocity and density at 200 m W (m/day)

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 11 day 0day 2day 4 day 6 day 8day 10 day 12day 14day 16 Regional model time evolution of vertical velocity and density at 200 m w (m/day)

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 12 Regional model Seasonal variation in vertical motions net upward downward

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 13 Global model (10 km resolution) example of daily mean vertical velocity and density at 200 m W (m/day) regional model 2km resolution

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 14 Regional vs Global Seasonal variation in vertical motions net upward downward

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 15 Regional model Maximum potential production compared with measurements Production (mg C/m 2 /d)

Sub-mesoscale upwelling and phytoplankton production | Jim Greenwood | Page 16 Regional model (2 km resolution) % tracer in upper 100 m after 10 days Initial tracer condition