CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887 Status – 18 September 2014 Done: (1/2) Preliminary civil engineering drawing and Functional specification approved by CERN on 18/03/2014 (EDMS and ) Civil engineering Tender Design phase started on 2/04/2014 by ARCADIS Submission of the « Permis de construire » on 19/05/2014 Market survey issued to the firms on 11/06/2014 → Two work packages (WP1-Civil engineering & WP2-Steel structure and cladding) 18 September Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi
Done: (2/2) Tender documents ready and EDMS approval procedure launched on 10/07/2014 → 9 firms qualified for WP1, 7 firms for WP2 and 4 firms for WP 1+2 Specification Committee meeting held on 29/07/2014 Tender documents sent to the firms on 18/08/2014 Construction Design phase started on 18/08/2014 by ARCADIS Bidders Conference held on 4/09/2014 Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887
Next steps: Bids expected on 2/10/2014 Preparatory works to start on October 2014 (abattage, déviation de réseaux, etc) Construction Design expected on November 2014 Adjudication foreseen on December 2014 FC Contract signature Start of the works expected on January 2015 (if possible, anticipate Excavation works as early as possible) Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887
Extension Site Installation Area Tunnel TDC85 Experimental Hall B.887 (EHN1) The Extension will extend northwards from the building for about 70 m in the direction of the beams. Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September Technical Aspect: Location CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887
The Extension's dimensions are 72 m long by 50 m wide and 20 m high. The extension includes two large pits of 7.35m and 9.0m deep. The top metallic structure is similar to the existing building, allowing for an easy continuation of the overhead crane and services. Extension Existing EHN1 The technical gallery will be prolonged. Swallow service trenches will provide the access from the sidewalls to the pits. Metallic Structure Pits Technical Gallery Service Trenches The works are broken down into two work packages: Work package 1 - Civil engineering Work package 2 - Structural steelwork Technical Aspect: General info Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887
Plan view Section A-A Section B-B A A B B -Construction sheet piles (or Reduce Cost Alternative Option) -Construction diaphragm wall and final tie beams -Construction of reinforced concrete structure (raft foundations, slabs, walls, etc.) -Demolition of the existing gable retaining wall Technical Aspect: WP1 main activities (1/2) CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887 Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September
The works to be carried out will include: -General worksite installation -Rerouting and cutting existing underground networks -Mass and ditch earthworks -Drawdown of the water table -Road works, car parks and landscaping. -Rainwater treatment structures (worksite and definitive) Notes: Particular attention should be kept to the extracted cut material within 5.50m of distance from the TDC85 Radiological Protection: People allow to enter the technical gallery or inside the existing building 887 should equipped (passive/operational dosimeter) and accredited by CERN. No special measure need to be planned to work outside Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September Technical Aspect: WP1 main activities (2/2) CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887
-Structural steelwork and associated components (Main and Secondary structures, Internal structures, Travelling crane structures) -Metalwork: guardrails, stairs, ladders, doors -Removal of the north gable of the existing building (not before the extension is water-tight and air-tight) Please note that primary framework shall be erected after completion of the infrastructures and therefore above the pit and that this work package shall provide the necessary worksite protections Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887 Technical Aspect: WP2 main activities (1/2)
-façade -roofing -doors -glazed windows -ladders with safety cages -safety barriers -rainwater pipes -cryogenics roof -etc. Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887 Technical Aspect: WP2 main activities (2/2)
Anticipated start of the works (if possible) + 18 months Source : ARCADIS → to be updated after tendering procedures Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887 Schedule
Extension of Building Neutrino Platform General Meetings N.Lopez – M.Manfredi 18 September CENF – Civil Engineering Extension B887 Thanks for your attention.. Questions?