Balance and Stability
This Organizing Idea can help you understand how balance and stability in your life at home, in school, and in the world beyond will help you be successful in your future.
What is balance? Balance is being able to stand or go forward without crashing or falling over.
What is balance? Here are some examples of balance in your world... riding a bike
What is balance? learning to walk
What is balance? standing on one leg
What is stability? Stability means to be steady and not wobbly.
What is stability? Here are some examples of stability in your world... carrying something that might spill
What is stability? making a pyramid
What is stability? doing gymnastics
What is the best part about balance and stability? Your classroom is full of balance and stability which can lead to you learning!
Guiding Questions: How do family and school add balance and stability to my life? How does good citizenship help me build balance and stability in my life? How can asking good questions and conducting investigations help me build balance and stability for learning?