Hosted by Ms. Behrens
1pt 2pt 4pt 3pt 4pt What’s up, prehistory? Before our genus Homo _____? Homo sapiens then and now 3pt 2pt 4pt 2pt 1pt 5pt 1pt
Row 1, Col 1 This is the term used to describe the time period before writing began. What is prehistory?
1,2 From the genus and species Sahelanthropus tchadensis, this 7 m.y.a hominid skull is the oldest yet found. Who was “Chad?”
1,3 These upright men and women left Africa first, aided by the fire that they had learned to control. Who were Homo erectus?
1,4 Cro-Magnon, or archaic, Homo sapiens appeared at this time. What was around 500,000 y.a.?
2,1 Define “paleoarchaeology.” What is the study of old bones and artifacts?
2,2 Discovered in Ethiopia in 1970, “Lucy” was an example of this genus. What was Australopithecus?
2,3 This hominid was the first to make tools, thus was nicknamed Handy Man. Who was Homo habilis?
2,4 What do geneticists and archaeologists think the Great Squeeze may have been? What was a powerful volcanic eruption?
3,1 If a scientist wanted to learn the age of an Australopithecine artifact, what method would he or she use? What is radio-potassium-argon dating?
3,2 This site was where famous Australopithecene footprints were excavated. Where was Laetoli?
3,3 Both Neanderthals and we are descendants of this species. Who were Goliaths- Homo heidelbergensis?
3,4 Explain the Great Squeeze’s effects on modern humans. Only the most creative and bright survived, leading to art and clothing as well as our modern brains.
4,1 Humans are 99% genetically similar to these animals. What are chimpanzees?
4,2 Describe what limited evidence of Ardipithecus ramidus archaeologists have found. A small, ape-like tooth.
4,3 These mini-hominids lived on the island of Flores until 12,000 y.a.. Who were Hobbits- Homo floresiensis?
4,4 These modern human features, which developed before 80,000 y.a., allowed us to become “the most cooperative ape.” What are our tongues and capacity for language?
5,1 Identify the five areas of study that allow people to study human origins. Answers will vary.
5,2 Describe two ways in which Lucy was similar to and different from modern humans. Answers will vary.
5,3 These hominids acted in human ways by burying their dead and making musical instruments. Who were Homo neanderthalensis?
5,4 So, what makes us human? Answers will vary.