Unit2 Ways to go to school B Let’s learn By Zhu Xiaofen.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit2 Ways to go to school B Let’s learn By Zhu Xiaofen

主题探究 How do you come to school? I come to school by ---- traffic rules 交通规则

自主探究 ★说出你所知道的有关颜色的 单词。 ★你知道红、黄、绿灯代表什 么意思吗? ★读一读,试着将其译为中文 slow stop go wait

合作探究 light lights traffic lights

Traffic lights

a green light Go at a green light.

a red light Stop at a red light.

a yellow light Slow down and stop at a yellow light.

Please remember the traffic rules. Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light.

Remember the traffic rules. Remember the traffic rules. Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop. Yellow light, yellow light, slow down and stop. Green light, green light, go, go, go. Let’s chant Look at the traffic lights.

运用探究 Task 1 Play a game.

Task 2

1.If the light is red, you must ___________ 2. If the light is green, you must___________. 3. If the light is yellow, you must___________ slow down and wait. go stop and wait. Task 3

1. at red stop light a (. ) 2. at yellow a light wait (. ) 3. light at a go green (. ) 4. the look at traffic lights(.) 5. traffic the rules remember (.) Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Look at the traffic light. Remember the traffic rules.

延伸探究 Task1 认识不同国家的交通规则 England Australia left side China US CAN right side

(1) Crosswalk (2) No bikes (3) No entry (4)No right turn (5) One way (6) Turn left Task2 了解几种交通图标

Task 3 Homework ★ Recite the dialogue.( 背诵对话 ) ★搜集更多交通图标了解其意思.