Human Rights in an Imperfect World Understand how the international community addresses human rights violations, especially in the case of women’s rights.
Figure 9.1: Urban Poor by Region
What Are Human Rights? What is meant by the term human rights? Understand the origins of these rights and the international conventions that support their existence.
The Origin of Human Rights The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Global Justice Justice as Equal Shares Justice as Due Process
Justice as Fairness Rise of Concern for Fairness
Figure 9.2: Selected Universal Human Rights as Set Forth in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
International Conventions on Human Rights The UN Bill of Rights Group Rights Humanitarian Law Process of Adoption of a Convention Sovereignty Versus Global Rules
Figure 9.3: Principal Human Rights Conventions
Why Are Women’s Rights Human Rights? Understand why women’s rights should be given special standing in the study of world politics. A History of Low Political, Economic, and Social Status The Rise of the Women’s Movement Women’s Rights Today Women’s Rights as Human Rights
How Do Feminist Theories of International Relations Address Human Rights? Identify the different types of feminist theories and how they approach the topic of human rights.
Five Feminist International Relations Theories Radical feminism Socialist feminism Liberal feminism Postcolonial feminism Postmodern feminism
Feminist Explanations of Gender Bias in International Relations International Security International Economics Environmental Security