Learn how to Sway: A New Presentation Tool from Microsoft Sharon Kemnitz St. Agnes Academy Houston, TX February 2, 2016
Click on one of the links below to access the Sway for today! Link from Docs.com or Link from Sway
Plan for the day •What is Sway and how can you use it •Sign up for a free account with Microsoft •Go over parts of the screen •First assignment: Import a Word file to make a Sway •Talk more in depth about features of Sway •Second assignment: Import a PowerPoint file to make a Sway •Third assignment: Make a new Sway •Demonstrate how to Co-author with Sway •Demonstrate how to make a Sway from OneNote •Log into Sway (get the App). Try using Sway on your device
Additional Please feel free to take a break when you need it. If you have a question after this session, email me at skemnitz@st-agnes.org For this class, it would be best to use the laptops in the room or your own. iPads and iPhones can be used with Sway, but they don’t include all of the features. You will need a Microsoft account to access Sway. If you have an Office365 account at your school, click on your apps and you should see it. If not, go to Sway.com and login (or create an account).
First Assignment: Word to Sway Log into Sway with your Microsoft account. Import a file: Beach Condo Word file You build your Sway in the "Storyline" section. Sway builds the actual document in the "Preview."
Steps Add title and a picture--make sure it is high quality. Switch between Preview and Storyline (edit). Make Beachfront Condo for Rent a Heading. Add two pictures after "lounge chair on the lanai." Group the pictures and text (automatic grouping). Add a picture of the inside of a condo after "while on vacation." Group the text and picture. Add four pictures (swimming, tennis, snorkeling and windsurfing). Group as a stacked item. Add a picture of a humpback whale after "migrate north." Use Focal points if needed and add a caption. Add a picture of world-class restaurants at the end of the paragraph. Make Property Details a Heading. Instead of a phone number, add a twitter handle. Insert a tweet. Play around with remix. Look at the share feature.
Second Assignment-PowerPoint to Sway Import the following file into Sway: Gecko PowerPoint. Preview the Sway to see how all elements imported. Add a good quality picture to the title slide. Change navigation to optimized. Make "What's a Gekko" a heading. Add a graphic after the text and group. Make "Why make friends with a Gekko" a heading. Add an additional picture to the card and group using "comparison." Make "How to take care of them" a heading. Check to see if the video runs. Try grouping the text and video. Group the SmartArt and the text above it. Group the last two cards. Click on Design and Click Customize. Look at the different options.
How to do group work on a Sway Create a new Sway and click on Authors. Copy the link and email it to those you want to co-author with. Once your other authors have signed in, you will see their names under Authors. Each author will be able to make changes to the Sway. It’s a fun assignment for students.
Using Sway on a handheld device: You can only add pictures from your device Picture folder. You can add pictures and videos taken with your device. You can add headers and text. You can group pictures: stack, comparison, slideshow and grid. You have to add a group before you add the pictures. You can add captions to pictures. You can change the navigation. There a some style changes you can make. No Remix!
Send OneNote to Sway It was previously called Sway My Page. It is now called Send to Sway. If you use OneNote, this is a great way to create a quick Sway. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=50418 Click on the link to install the add-in:
Resources Some good YouTube videos to learn more about Sway: One of the newer ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZFnRVwgOOM Ten good ones from Microsoft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcg6DGO9hpI&list=PLXPr7gfUMmKyE22-YpbgcDfr2SXEO7-qX&index=1 Good 30 min tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3dspMKu_xI Good tutorial from ISTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mApYZh-Vu0 Good tutorial featuring the creator of Sway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7HzFWu_2pk