Graduate Admission Person Review from Application Record Click on the Notes tab for captions!
Type in SPAIDEN in the Go To… box. Hit Enter.
General Person Identification form 2. Click Next Block. 1. Type in ID number in the ID field OR perform person search.
Current Identification tab 1.Review: Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name. 2. Click to Alternate Identification tab.
Alternate Identification tab 1.Review: Name Type, and Change Type, Last Name. 2. Move to Address tab.
Address tab 1. Review: Address Type (PR) Street Lines City State ZIP County Nation. 2. Move to Telephone tab.
Telephone tab 1. Review: Telephone Type (PR) Area Code Phone Number 2. Move to Biographical tab.
Biographical tab 1. Review: Gender Citizenship Marital Status New Ethnicity Race Birth Date. 2. Move to tab.
tab 1. Review: Type (OT) Address 2. Move to Additional Identification tab.
Additional Identification tab Review: NR number (International applicants only) Exit form.
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Quiz Please complete our quiz to make sure you are familiar with the steps of person data review from application record. Click Play or Next button on Playbar to start the quiz
You can review all person data information on the following form. A)SOAPCOL B)SPAIDEN C)SAADCRV Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
On the first, Current Identification tab, you must review: A)Full legal name field B)Last Name, First Name, Middle Name fields Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
All applicants must have information populated on the Alternate Identification tab. A)True B)False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
Nation on the Address tab is only a necessary information for international applicants. A)True B)False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
type must set on: A)BI - Billing Address B)EM - Emergency Address C)OT - Other Address D)CU - Clemson University Address Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
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